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7 Oct 2020

Coping with fear.

It was only recently that I discovered that my younger daughter - a fully-grown adult! - has a fear of flying. In this, she is certainly not alone. Many people share that particular fear. The very thought of being airborne fills them with anxiety. For that reason, certain techniques have been recommended:

1. Avoid sugar, and caffeine, before and during a flight.

2. Lean back at take-off; allow your muscles to relax as much as possible.

3. Rate your anxiety, on a scale of 1 to 10. Then think positive thoughts, and note how much your fear decreases.

4. Breathe deeply; close your eyes; stretch your arms.

5. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, and 'snap' it to break unpleasant thoughts.

Now I am unable to verify any of these suggestions, as I don't have a problem with flying. That is, perhaps, because I have a sixth suggestion that I know does work - not only for the fear of flying, but for all fears. In fact, I would claim that it is the most important of all! It is simply to put your trust in Father God. When I have to fly, I always pray, before take-off, asking for God's protection for the flight. I am then able to relax, safe in the knowledge that He is in control, and that "underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deut. 33:27).

That is certainly what David did, as he records in Psalm 31. The background to the psalm is that a conspiracy had arisen against him. His friends had abandoned him. "Yea, I hear the whispering of many - terror on every side! - as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life." (v.13). Not just fear, but terror! But David made a choice, and declared: "But I trust in Thee, O Lord; I say, "Thou art my God." (v.14).

When you're afraid, it may help to breathe deeply, or snap a rubber band. But don't leave out the best way to cope with the fear of flying - or any other fear. Follow David's example and put your trust in God. He is the One Who never lets us down if we are truly His, born again through God the Holy Spirit, and claiming the atoning sacrifice of Jesus the Son - Who often said "Fear not"! (cf. Matt.10:31; Lk.12:7, 32; Rev.1:17). "... perfect love casts out fear." (I John 4:18) - and the only perfect love, is the love of Almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

Colin Ross said...

You may not have a fear of flying, but you HAVE mentioned MANY times, that you prefer to sail, simply because, if a plane goes down, you yourself cannot 'fly' whereas if, in a ship, the ship starts to sink, at least you DO know how to, and CAN swim to keep yourself afloat until outside help arrives.