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30 Dec 2019

A new year.

It's been an unusually busy couple of weeks! I was aware that this blog was being neglected but - it's all a matter of priorities! Anyway, part of the busyness (that included a trip back to Scotland in order to spend Christmas Day with our family; and leaving early on Boxing Day!) was that I was preaching in one of the French-speaking fellowships with which we are involved, yesterday! Being the final Sunday of the year, I wanted to encourage the people and used the situation of the Children of Israel as, under the leadership of Joshua, they prepared to enter Canaan - the land of the promise of Almighty God. The Israelites had been wandering for forty years - the result of their listening to ten weak spies who were overwhelmed by the difficulties they perceived, rather than the two men (Joshua and Caleb) who had true faith in YHWH, the God of the covenant. The land across the River Jordan was as unknown to them as is the year 2020 to us. So how did they face their unknown, and what lessons can we draw from their experience?

The first thing we see is that the Children of Israel went forward with courage in the Lord. You may read the story in Joshua 2. Perhaps remembering that situation forty years earlier, Joshua sent just two men to spy out the land again. Their report was very encouraging! They assured Joshua that "Truly YHWH has given all the land into our hands;" Take a minute or two to compare that report with the one given by the ten fearful spies as you'll find it in Numbers 13. It's the difference between unbelief, and faith!

Unbelief says “Let’s go back to where it’s safe.”; but faith says “Let’s go forward to where God is working.” In his first letter, the apostle John writes: “… this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.” (5:4).
May I share a very important piece of information? Almighty God has not changed! He tells us so, Himself! “I the Lord do not change; (Mal.3:6). 
These men of faith were willing to receive this great assurance; to take God at His word. Are you and I willing to do the same as we move forward into a new year? The assurance they were ready to receive, and the assessment they were able to make.  moreover, all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of us.” was their report. This was a most encouraging report. Not only the inhabitants of Jericho, but of all of the land of Canaan, were afraid of the Children of Israel! The only possible reason for this is that the reputation of the Children of Israel and, of greater importance, of YHWH, their God, had lasted throughout a full generation - that forty years during which they had wandered in the wilderness! The Canaanites took it for granted that nothing could stand before the Children of Israel – and this information was necessary to Joshua to guide him in forming the plan of his campaign.
As we look forward to a new year, let us also recall what the Lord has already done for us – and let us then go into this year, confident that He is still with us, and has a plan for us. It's a plan, of course, that requires us to be led froward by the Lord. For the Children of Israel, that meant being led by priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant - where YHWH had met with Moses. The Ark was symbolic of the presence of YHWH among His chosen people. It was "God with them - Emmanuel"!

Most of us will have heard words like those over recent days. 
It is the Lord Jesus, Himself, Who is our Emmanuel. It is He Who has promised, I will never fail you nor forsake you.” (Heb.13:5). It is He Who has said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by Me.” (Jn.14:6). It is He Who will lead us into a new year – if we will but follow! That involves action on our part! You see, Father God does not force us to do anything. He could do – but He chooses not to. That means that I have a responsibility to co-operate with God the Holy Spirit in the work of my sanctification. Writing, this time, to the brothers and sisters in Philippi, Paul encourages them: “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” (Phil 2:12-13). The Christian life is not one of sitting back and leaving everything to the Lord! It is service; it is warfare; it is walking. But we do not travel the road alone – “for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

However, action is not enough. We need also to display a proper attitude. Concerning the Ark, Joshua commanded: “there shall be a space between you and it, a distance of about two thousand cubits; do not come near it.” (v.4(b)). Why was this? It was a mark of reverence. It was an acknowledgment that no-one may come even close to Almighty God in their own right. It was a recognition that the Creator is different from His creation.

It always concerns me when I hear some, who claim to be disciples of Jesus, saved by His precious blood, treating Him, the Father, the Holy Spirit, as if they are here just for their benefit. I cringe when I hear people refer to the Creator of all that exists in an overly-familiar manner. Of course, He is my heavenly Father; of course, He is my Friend; but He is also God, and I must display my reverence for Him at all times! Fear (reverence) God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.” counsels the writer of Ecclesiastes (12:13); while Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, in what we know as the Magnificat, says: “He Who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.” (Lk.1:49-50).

The Children of Israel as they stood on the threshold of Canaan, faced the unknown with courage in the Lord. They were led forward by the Lord. The result was that they saw the power of the Lord, immediately, in the miraculous crossing of the river Jordan. For many, even although they had been but children at the time, this would have been a reminder of the past when, with their parents, perhaps even their grandparents, their siblings, and their friends, they had crossed the Reed Sea – and seen the mighty Egyptian army perish. You see, even the mistakes of the past may provide good lessons for achievements in the future! Writing about these matters, Paul told the Corinthian church that “…  these things happened to them as a warning, but they were written down for our instruction, upon whom the end of the ages has come.” (I Cor 10:11).
I wonder if you have experienced the power of Almighty God in your life – individually, and as a fellowship of God’s people? There are those who condemn “experiential Christianity” and, of course, if we are seeking to build our lives as disciples of Jesus solely on spiritual experiences, then that condemnation is deserved. We need to be solidly grounded in the Word of God; we need to be obedient to the Word of God; we need to be fed by the Word of God. But often, the power of Almighty God touches us in such a way that the experience lives with us for a long time afterwards – and may even be with us for the rest of our earthly lives. The Children of Israel were provided with a reminder of the past, and with a reassurance for the present. 

Being reminded of past wonders is one thing – but we live in the present! And Father God knows! So we read: “Joshua said, “Hereby you shall know that the living God is among you," (Josh 3:10). Almighty God was still on the throne – and He still is! Do you remember those words of the Lord Jesus to His disciples as He prepared to leave them and return to the Glory that was, and is, His by right? They are recorded for us by Matthew: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (28:19-20). “I am not just a figure from history,” says Jesus. “I am the living and eternal God, who never leaves, nor forsakes, my true people.”

The writer of the great letter to the Hebrew disciples of Jesus gave to them, and to us, the wonderful assurance: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.” (13:8). With such an assurance, we may step forward, bravely, and confidently, into the new year that beckons. Are you willing to go into the new year depending on His promises? Then go – and know that He goes before you; and with you; and in you. And know that He will accomplish His purposes through you, to bring glory to His most holy Name.
I wish you a truly blessèd 2020. 

14 Dec 2019

True security

So, the General Election, 2019 is now a part of history - a part that a number of former members of Parliament will be only too eager to forget! I took the time to at least "skim" through the manifestos of the major players in the election. One area that was not given much, if any, space was that of national defence! (I apologise if I simply missed it!).

Yet defence of the realm is, surely, one of the major responsibilities of any government. Certainly, feeling secure is a high priority for many in this unsafe, volatile world. Ask those living in London; or in the southern parts of Israel; or in any of the "hot-spots" - national or urban. I read, earlier today that one private investigation agency (I suspect in the USA!) promises to "work diligently to restore the sense of security and safety that you and your family deserve."

As some may recall, I recently spent the first part of my personal devotions in the Book of Psalms (actually "BookS of Psalms - there are five of them in a single volume!). The composer of Ps. 91 found a place of safety and security. That is good - but what is better is that you and I may rest secure in that same place! The psalmist described it in a number of ways. 

First of all, he writes of abiding "... in the shadow of the Almighty," (v.1). Shadows, of course, provide protection from the direct heat of the sun - something that can be very severe in the Middle East! However, even if the heat is severe, being in the shade reduces what we actually feel. When you and I are under the shadow of Father God - being protected by Him - then we do not face the full heat of our difficulties. We may not be removed from them, but His presence enables us to persevere.

The psalmist then goes on to describe Almighty God as "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." (v.2).  The Creator of all that exists is the strongest protector we could ever have - and we may run to Him for help in any, and every situation. Nothing can get past Him, unless it is as part of His own loving plan for our ultimate good.

The third word-picture that the psalmist draws is in v.4. "... under His wings you will find refuge;" So many have a picture in their minds of God as some kind of celestial police officer, intent on punishing us for every wrongdoing. They have not read, or understood, what is often referred to as "the Gospel in a nutshell". "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." (John 3:16-17). The God of the Bible is not, of course, some "easy push-over". However, He is soft and tender, like a caring mother bird. Remember when the Lord Jesus wept over Jerusalem? "O Jerusalem , Jerusalem , killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!" (Matt 23:37). When troubles rage, He draws us close - if we are willing! We don't need to fear that He will cast us out, if we are His!

Just one more reference from a number of those available. "Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your habitation, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent." (vs.9-10). If we are dwelling "in the Lord" He will be our home, our habitation, now and forever! 

True security can be found only in the God Who promises to save those who call upon Him; and to hold them close Himself. He is the One Who can be "... Emmanuel" (which means, God with us)." (Matt 1:23) in a personal sense. As the celebration of the birth of the only-begotten of the Father draws close, may all who read these words find, in Him, their refuge, their strength, their eternal hope.

12 Dec 2019

Can I lose my salvation?

Yesterday, one of the members of a Facebook Group to which I belong, responded to someone else's posting of Hebrews 6:4-8 which reads "For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold Him up to contempt. For land which has drunk the rain that often falls upon it, and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed; its end is to be burned." 

Now those are scary words! They appear to be saying that I could, conceivably, lose the salvation that is mine in the Lord Jesus. This brother was certainly concerned, and he voiced that concern. I have responded to him already, but then thought that it might be helpful to share my thoughts with a wider audience.

I responded in the form of a letter, but I shall just give the main text here - and maybe add a little (I didn't want a comment to be too long!).

1. Apostasy is a genuine problem. The author of Hebrews is not dealing with any hypothetical situation. He is addressing people who were experiencing personal problems. However, as the Lord Himself, He is not out to condemn, but to encourage. (see John 3:17).

2. You should note that this warning passage presents us with a particular situation. It is a rule of the interpretation of the Bible to discover, first, what a passage meant to the original readers. In this case, the main purpose was to urge Jewish disciples of Jesus (remember, Hebrews is so named because it was written to Hebrews!) – what, today, we might refer to as “Messianic Jews”. – not to allow themselves, under the pressure of persecution, to leave the distinctive aspects of their new faith, and slip back into the purely Jewish claim that Jesus was a blasphemer, a fraud, a charlatan, who deserved to die as He did. The writer was not dealing with the sincere believer who is depressed about his spiritual failure. Sanctification is a lifelong process, and John makes clear that anyone who claims to be sinless is far from the truth: "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." (I John 1:8-10|). I made up a little plaque for my study. It reads: "In this life I shall never be sinless but, by God's grace, I may sin less." My wife and I were recently counselling a young woman who had fallen into sexual sin. I pointed out to her that, by Jesus’ standards, I am a serial adulterer (and murderer!).

3. There is a warning, for us, in this passage. You should note that the words “crucify” and “put” (v.6) are, in the original Greek language, present participles. That means that we should really translate “while they are crucifying” and “while they are putting Him to an open shame”. It is, if you like, while we are acting in this way, that we cannot be brought to repentance. If we stop – then repentance is possible! We depend, for our salvation, not on our love for the Father, but on His great love for us!

4. Finally, we must remember to compare scripture with scripture. Our God does not contradict Himself! It is all too easy to take a passage, out of context, and build a doctrine on it! For example, I sometimes shock friends by informing them that I have become an atheist! I shock them further by telling them that I am doing so because the Bible confirms it! Three times, I read the clear, simple words: “There is no God”! So, if I believe the Bible, I have no option other than to be an atheist! Of course, if I read those particular words in context, I discover that it is “The fool [who] has said in his heart ‘There is no God’” (see Pss. 14:1; 53:1; and note 10:4). So, we must not let the enemy confuse us. The N.T. is full of assurances for the child of God. Even in Hebrews, the author is “sure of better things” (6:9) and, as one who served at every rank in the Boys’ Brigade apart from Sergeant and Captain, I cannot forget 6:19-20: "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest for ever after the order of Melchiz'edek."!

If you are being attacked by the enemy, I trust that this will be of help to you.

9 Dec 2019

General Election, 2019

Well with only a couple of days to go, I've decided that it is time for me to throw in my tuppence-worth on Thursday's General Election. At this stage of the campaign, I reckon that most people will already have made up their minds as to which Party/Candidate they are going to support (or even if they are going to vote at all!), so I doubt that I will change anyone's mind - but the 'blurb' at the top does state that "Some of my posts stray into politics ..."!!

In the constituency in which I am entitled to vote, there are five candidates, representing (in alphabetical order) the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrat Party, the Scottish National Party, and the United Kingdom Independence Party. I am not a political guru, and insist that only the poll that will be taken on Thursday is of any importance, but given the figures from the previous GE, it would be a major upset for the SNP if their candidate failed to secure the seat. However, she will not be receiving my support! Why not?

The reasons for my refusing to back the SNP are the same as those for refusing the Labour, and Liberal Democrat, Parties. The first of these is the support of these parties for abortion. If you have been reading my blog for any reasonable length of time, you will know that I am totally opposed to the murder of a human being, in its mother's womb, for whatever reason, and by whatever nomenclature. Labour are proposing the total decriminalisation of abortion. This would mean that babies in the womb could be legally killed, for any reason, right up to the day of birth. If ever enacted, it would be the most extreme abortion law in western Europe. The Lib Dems proposal on abortion is not quite as extreme. However, they propose to completely decriminalise abortion up to 24 weeks. This would mean that babies in the womb could be killed for any reason with no checks and balances. This, in turn, would legalise gender-selective abortion which must mean that Lib Dems approve of this discriminatory practice.

Where do the SNP stand on this emotive, but important, issue? Well, I read through all fifty pages of the Manifesto - but found no mention of a policy on abortion. However, the party's position was more than hinted at by the furore that followed John Mason's motion, to Holyrood, that access to abortion be restricted. He received no support from the Party!  

The Conservative manifesto does not contain extreme policy proposals on abortion as Labour and Lib Dem manifestos do. Regretfully, there are also no commitments not to further liberalise the abortion laws, and the party has shown, in the past, that it is willing to bring forward liberal policies that were not in the manifesto.

In matters concerning 
gender self-declaration, or no-fault divorce the Conservatives, again, have no specific policy proposals. However, as with abortion, this does not mean - recalling their 'track record' - that they would not legislate if they take power on Friday. 
 The other two main (UK) parties, have extreme proposals on gender self-declaration, and both propose to introduce the unilateral destruction of families through no-fault divorce. The SNP appear not to have any policy proposals on these issues, either.

You may have noticed that I have not made any reference to what has become known as "Brexit". However, I find it to be of interest that they state, in their manifesto, that "Unborn children are children. 218,581 abortions were performed in the UK in 2018. UKIP will seek to reduce the number of abortions carried out in the UK, and we will support alternative options such as adoption." This party also " rejects any moves for new laws to make gender a self-declared condition. Gender is not different to biological sex. There are two sexes – male and female – determined by anatomy and chromosomes."

So, for me, given the choice that I have, there is only one party to which I could give support. I hope that others, particularly those who claim to be disciples of Jesus, will have checked out issues such as those I have mentioned, and will prayerfully decide where they should place their X.

Of course, at the end of the day, I believe in the total sovereignty of Almighty God. The Psalmist asked: "Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain?" He went on to paint a word-picture: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His anointed, saying, 'Let us burst their bonds asunder, and cast their cords from us.' He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision. Then He will speak to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His fury, ..." (Ps 2:1-5).

May His will be done, on Thursday, and every day, to His glory.

5 Dec 2019

I've done it again!

It is some time since I have had anything new to add to my C.V.!!! However, having been banned from commenting, reacting, posting good wishes to Facebook friends who were celebrating their birthdays, or even responding to personal messages for, this time, a seven day period, I feel that I may now include that particular accolade! At least, this time, I know that I am in good company! David Robertson has reported that no less a personage than Prof. Donald Macleod, former professor of Systematic Theology at the Free Church College, Edinburgh, and Principal for more than ten years, had also been banned! David also mentioned in last week's Quantum ("The Wee Flea podcast"), that Google and Apple had banned an 'app' because it cited John 3:16 and was "of no lasting value"! So much for the "free speech" for which most 'western' countries were, at one time, well-known.

As far as Facebook is concerned, Prof. Macleod had the temerity to voice some sympathy for Rev. Richard Cameron, minister of Scotstoun Parish Church, in Glasgow who, himself, has been suspended from his pastoral and parochial duties, by the Church of Scotland, for having publicly asked Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party, "Who's going to be the first terrorist invited to the Commons when you're Prime Minister?" Given Mr Corbyn's well-publicised links with a number of terrorist movements, this does not seem, to me, to be an unreasonable question to ask. Thankfully, I do not believe that Mr Corbyn will ever enter 10 Downing Street as its tenant!

The Professor went on to state: "I am perfectly happy to let the LGBT community have their say. I am not happy that they should have a jealously-guarded right to monopolise the discourse, and I'm certainly not happy to concede the new dogma that the only wickedness is to question LGBT-ism. Christians, too, must have their say, and people should not lose their jobs because they are weak or off-message on such issues as homosexuality, bi-sexuality, trans-sexuality, or transgenderism." 

He continues: "Nor should we close our eyes and ears to where the gagging is actually leading. For example:
  • If you are known to have reservations about the chosen lifestyle of LGBTs, you will not be allowed to be a teacher, a social worker, a parish minister, or a university professor.
  • You will be barred from serving as a Member of Parliament, a Member of the Scottish Parliament, a local Councillor, or a member of the Judiciary.
  • You will be ineligible for selection as an international sportsman (or, indeed, from participation in professional sport at any level).
  • You will never secure employment with any charity.
  • You'll never get a job with the BBC."
Please note that the Professor is not claiming that these conditions currently exist. Only that they are the almost inevitable outcome of the direction in which we are travelling. His complete article is well worth reading, and may be accessed at  (copy and paste).

For myself, I again commented, critically, on a report regarding the 'marriage' of adult Muslim males - some very old indeed - to children as young as six years of age, and the particular reported comment by an imam that the hot weather made it more acceptable! The terms I used were terms that I have used many times before, without any comeback. However, this time ... ... !!!

Part of my reason for commenting was my (totally appropriate!) love for children, and my desire to protect them from any harm. This "child marriage" situation fills me with disgust, and I would cheerfully castrate any male (the word "man" does not seem, to me, to be appropriate) who wished to assault a child in this way. Just a few weeks ago there was a report of a girl of six, or eight, years of age who had died from internal bleeding caused by the penetrative sexual intercourse to which her adult "husband" had submitted her on their wedding night! I am, by both nature and belief, a non-violent person. However, give me 30 mins with that murderer ... ... !!!

It may be that Facebook will place a permanent ban on me, at some time. Not a problem - I shall then open a new account! However, it is sad that one cannot speak freely because these censors are checking every word we type. However, I'm back for the time being. Apologies, again, for having missed so much, and so many. I shall try to be a slightly better boy for the foreseeable future (but no promises!).