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11 Oct 2020

Testing, testing!

When I was very young, public address systems were not very common. Then as the years passed, it seemed to be the case that every public building had to have such a system installed. At the beginning of the programme - be it a Variety Show in the Town Hall, or a worship service in a church building - someone would always be heard, speaking into the microphone the words "Testing, testing" in order to ensure that all of the equipment was operating correctly.

Many years later, as a schoolteacher, I was required to test my pupils on their knowledge of my subject - be it Religious Studies, or History. Although there were set times for the formal examinations, I would also throw in a test or two as we worked our way through a topic. Some pupils didn't like such additional tests, but they knew that they would be coming, and that they should be prepared for them by completing homework, and staying abreast of classwork.

Almighty God, we might say, works on a similar principle. His Word says: "... do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, ..." (I Peter 4:12; NASB). Of course, God's tests aren't necessarily ones that we would have chosen for ourselves, because they never seem to come at 'the right time', and they invariably test us in our weakest areas! However, there is a reason for this. The tests of life are designed to sharpen us mentally, and strengthen us spiritually. They are not for the benefit of the teacher - they're for our own benefit! 

When tests come - and they will! - we have two possible reactions. We may act the victim, complaining that we have been singled out, and are being unfairly treated. Alternatively, we may allow them to teach us more about ourselves, and the Father God we claim to serve. 

For a number of years, I regularly 'worked out' at a gym. I had a choice. I could use the various pieces of apparatus as resistance, and push myself to grow physically stronger. Or I could have walked around, feeling sorry for myself, and remaining flabby! The same is true in the spiritual realm - and we have to make the choice!

Commenting on the temptations of the Christ, William Barclay has this to say: "In this life it is impossible that we should escape the assault of temptation; but one thing is sure - temptations are not sent to us to make us fail; they are sent to us to strengthen the nerve and the sinew of our minds, and hearts, and souls. They are not meant for our ruin, but for our good. They are meant to be tests from which we emerge better warriors and athletes of God. ... ... Jesus was not left to fight His battle alone - and neither are we." (D.S.B. on Mark; in loc).

Here's a comforting (i.e.strengthening) thought - Father God will never give you more than you can handle, or give you a test that you cannot pass.Listen to these words of Paul, from his first letter to the disciples of Jesus in Corinth: "But remember this - the wrong desires that come into your life aren't anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it, for He has promised this and will do what He says. He will show you how to escape temptation's power so that you can bear up patiently against it." (I Cor 10:13; TLB).

But be prepared. The test may come at any time. We prepare by the faithful, daily, practices of reading His Word, and of communing with Him in prayer. Are you prepared?!

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