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8 Jun 2017

Tee-shirts, and answers!

We (my wife and I) are now back in Scotland for just under two weeks, in order to spend some time with our family, and to meet up with as many friends as we can fit into the time available. On the ferry from Dunkerque to Dover I noticed a gentleman of mature years wearing a tee-shirt on which was emblazoned the statement "I am liable, at any moment, to break into a conversation about motorbikes." The words may not be totally verbatim - but the message was clear. This was a man who is passionate about motorbikes!

I found myself thinking, first of all, of the reaction of different people to his tee-shirt slogan. There would be those who, like himself, are motorbike enthusiasts. I can imagine that they would be delighted to enter into conversation with him - sharing their own knowledge and experiences, and listening to his. A second group might have a mild interest in motorbikes, and they would undoubtedly have questions that they would wish to ask of someone so obviously involved in the world of biking. A third group, I suspect, would run a mile just to get away from this obvious motorbike fanatic/extremist!

Then I had a further thought! What if those of us who claim to be disciples of Jesus were to wear tee-shirts that proclaimed: "I am liable, at any moment, to break into a conversation about Jesus" - or words to that effect? The probability is that we would be faced with similar responses. There would be those who are fellow-disciples, and who would be delighted to have a chat with us, sharing our common experience of the way in which the Lord has worked - and continues to work - in our lives. There might be some who have been wondering about the Christian faith, and who would be glad to have the opportunity to speak with us, and ask some questions. There would certainly be those who would run a mile to get away from such "religious extremist Bible-bashers"! There would also be those, I regret to have to say, who would ridicule us, or even attack us, because of our stand for Jesus.

However, we would certainly have made clear that we are "..not ashamed of the gospel:[knowing that] it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, ..." (Rom.1:16). Of course, we would also have to ensure that we are "... prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, ..." (I Peter 3:15).

And now, the answers to the Pentecost quiz:

1. (b)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (b)
7. (a)
8. (a)
9. (c)
10. (a)

I hope that you did well!

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