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31 May 2020

God's blank cheque

John Wilbur Chapman is not a name known to many, today. He was a Christian pastor, and evangelist in the late 19th century, and commenced his evangelistic ministry alongside the better-know D.L. Moody. From 1907, Chapman's partner in the Gospel was the well-known singer, Charles Alexander. However, he also spent the his first twenty years of specific Christian service, in pastoral ministry.

At a time of great personal sorrow, Dr Chapman was preparing to go on a trip to the far West of the United States of America. One of his elders, who was a banker, came to speak with him. As he was leaving, he slipped a piece of paper into the minister's hand. When Dr Chapman looked at it, he saw a cheque, made out to him, and signed by the banker. However, there was no sum of money mentioned! The minister looked at his elder. "Are you giving me a signed blank cheque, to be filled in as I please?", he asked. "Yes!", replied the banker. "I don't know how much you might need, and I want you to draw any amount that will meet those needs."

As events transpired, Dr Chapman did not need to cash that cheque for any amount - but he confessed that it gave him a comfortable feeling to know that he had, quite literally, millions of dollars at his disposal.

As he ended his letter to the early disciples of Jesus, in the Roman colonial city of Philippi, the apostle Paul wrote these words: "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, in Christ (Messiah) Jesus." (4:19). That is a promise that goes beyond even millions of USA dollars! This is the God Who is described, in a pastoral society and culture, as owning "the cattle on a thousand hills"(Ps.50:10). 

But, of course, not all needs are material, and able to be met with sufficient financial resources. How may one buy true love? How much does it cost in financial terms? What is the price of a genuine friendship? Where may I purchase real peace? What will I have to pay for a big load of happiness? Does a billionaire have any stronger a claim on life than a pauper? 

That is why, as this Covid-19 pandemic - however it was caused, and for whatever (possibly nefarious!) purpose - continues to affect so many of us, we need resources that have no relationship to the size of our bank balance. Such resources are found only in the Living God, the Creator of all that exists, the Father of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, through the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

He, and He alone, is our Certainty in uncertain times.

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