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11 Apr 2020

He's Alive!

It was in 1968 that a young American preacher named Arthur Blessitt started "touring" the world (or, at least, a major part of it!) carrying a wooden cross. Fifty-three years later, he is still going strong, having covered 43,326 walking miles, and visited every nation, and every major island group; some 324 countries. His purpose - to be obedient to the command of the Lord Jesus to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." ((Mark 16:15).

When he was in Glasgow, in the early days of his travels, he preached in St George's Tron parish Church (then under the ministry of Rev George B Duncan, one of the most evangelical congregations in the country) and, as one of the members of the congregation who was a Divinity student, I had the pleasure of meeting him. However, my lasting memory is of what he shared about Resurrection Day. I do not recall his words verbatim, but they went something like this:

"On that early morning, after Shabbat, there was a shaking of the earth so that the guards at the Garden Tomb fell down as if they were dead men. The stone that covered the entrance to the tomb, slowly rolled away - and the Lord Jesus walked out of that tomb, alive for evermore. And the grasses in the garden sung: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" The flowers and the shrubs picked up the refrain: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" The message was shared by the bushes and the trees: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" The birds of the air carried the message beyond the Garden: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" The hills and the mountains added their voices: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" The song rose on the wind, and reached the clouds: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!" And to the very gates of heaven, the most joyous of songs poured forth: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!"

That is the message of Resurrection Day! "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!"

We may be living, as many of us sincerely believe, in the very last days before time is brought to an end. We are surrounded by wars, and rumours of wars; by reports of earthquakes and tsunamis; by pestilence and disease. Yet this song may be sung with great joy: "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!"

May all who read this post be blessed as we celebrate that glorious resurrection. May any who do not celebrate it, be encouraged to look at the evidence - evidence that shows, beyond any shadow of doubt - that "Jesus is risen; the stone is rolled away; Glory. Hallelujah!"

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