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4 Apr 2020

COVID-19 Freedom!

The following is a translation of an e-mail that I have received from Portes Ouvertes - the French 'branch' of Open Doors, supporting the persecuted church. It is another reminder that "every cloud has a silver lining", and that, however the situation may look, our God is still on the throne, and in control of His creation.

Uzbekistan: more freedom thanks to COVID-19

The pandemic COVID-19 virus now affects the whole planet, and the populations concerned. But there is a surprising 'upside' as evidenced by the disciples of Jesus in Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan, in Central Asia, is a country in which disciples of Jesus are severely persecuted. In the current World Index of Persecution of Christians, it take 18th place out of the fifty countries that are n the Index. Freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution, but does not exist in everyday life. The churches are strictly controlled by the authorities, and police raids are frequent. But things have changed since the Covid-19 epidemic entered the country!

The first thing that the Uzbekistan government did was to close the borders, and impose strict containment. City streets are almost empty, with no public transport. Of course, all religious services are prohibited but are, when possible, held online. What has surprised everyone, however, is that the authorities have asked Christians to gather in homes and families - something that was prohibited before the onset of the epidemic! This is a real blessing for small churches, not officially registered, and usually repressed by the police.

Only large supermarkets and open-air markets are operating, but no-one knows how to survive. Most of those confined to their homes are without work, or income - or support from the authorities. Some believers from a local church have, therefore, bought food, and visited the poor of the neighbourhood to offer them a food parcel. This local action has had an amazing effect. In one week, ten people came to faith in the Lord Jesus. One of the believers from that group says: "In a difficult period, we have to be wise and prudent, and follow all safety rules. At the same time, we will not be afraid and hide." He added: "we want to bring light and hope, support those in need, and express God's love to people."

Since it is forbidden to go out without a mask, on penalty of a fine, other believers have bought 100 masks which they have distributed freely, taking the opportunity to share the Gospel message.

The situation is almost the same in some neighbouring countries. Again, Christians are taking initiatives to support those confined to their homes, and frightened by the situation. In Kazakhstan, for example, people are watching, with interest, the films that Christians are sharing online, with many saying how much this improves their current situation. In Kyrgyzstan, believers are meeting is small groups to pray, either in homes, or online. They are also supporting the poor with packages of provisions. Christians in Russia, from most denominations, are united in prayer for the country, and for the world. Sadly, in Turkmenistan, Christians are saddened as the authorities hide information, and no-one knows how serious the situation is - leading to a measure of panic.

So, the Covid-19 virus, the source of so much upheaval, is also a factor of unity among these persecuted believers, and an opportunity for them to enjoy some relative freedom. Let us unite in prayer for disciples of Jesus in Central Asia - and let us follow their example by being united with other believers in our own localities, and seizing every opportunity to express God's love to our neighbours. Let us pray that the church in these countries will be better thought of by both the authorities and the populations.

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