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4 May 2019

Godly exercise.

For many years, until well after I had retired from full-time employment, I spent a couple of afternoons each week at one of a number of gymnasiums to which I had (free!) access. I have no doubt that all of that exercise helped me to have the level of health and strength that I enjoy today.

However, I read of one fitness advocate who claims that one doesn't need a treadmill, exercise bicycle, barbells, or any other specialist equipment in order to get a great physical workout at home! He uses a toolbox for stepping exercises; lifts cans of  soup, or bags of flour, to work his shoulder muscles; and makes use of other common household items in his daily training. Other trainers agree, and encourage people to use ropes, chairs, brooms, and even full bags of groceries, in conditioning routines. They see exercise as a matter of will, not wealth.

Actually, the same principle holds true with spiritual fitness! As a retired pastor, I still have a reasonable selection of books in my study. However, while commentaries and the like are undoubtedly helpful, we can begin our spiritual training without any of them! All that we need is the written Word of God, and the guidance of God the Holy Spirit.

Writing to his "son in the faith", the young pastor Timothy, Paul gave this advice: "Exercise daily in God - no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." (I Tim.4:7-8; The Message).

I recall, during the year between my time at the Bible Training Institute, Glasgow, and at the University of Glasgow, being invited to preach before a congregation in the East End of the city, on Boys' Brigade Founder's Day. I was working night-shift in the Larchgrove Boys' Remand Home at the time (while I gained the 'Highers' that I needed in order to enter University). During the ten or twelve days prior to the Sunday appointment, I spent many hours poring over my Bible and what commentaries, etc., that I then possessed. As I set off for the Home, the night before the worship service at which I was scheduled to bring the message, I had absolutely nothing! I could not very well carry my theological "library", so off I went with a pad of lined paper, and a Bible.

One of the benefits of the night shift was the time one had to oneself! I still recall praying that the Lord would grant me some inspiration so that I might bring a meaningful word to the congregation. By the time I left to return to my 'lodgings'in the Y.M.C.A., I had that word! No recourse to commentaries, or other similar aids. Just the Word of God, and the Spirit of God. That was more than sufficient. I learned a valuable lesson on that particular night shift!

Of course, not everyone is called to preach -  but it doesn't require an annual subscription to take the spiritual truths that we know, and put them into practice. We don't need special equipment, or materials, to pray for a friend; to give thanks to Father God; to sing His praises (and if you don't have a 'singing voice', then just open that mouth and praise Him as you are able!). We just need to begin where we are, with what we have, right now!

Remember: "Godly exercise is the key to godly character."

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