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10 Apr 2024

Prayer that "works"!

When I was in the British Mercantile Marine (aka the Merchant Navy), I was a very immature disciple of Jesus. However, I attended the on-board Sunday "Divine Service" as a witness to my feeble faith. This, of course, marked me out, and I would sometimes be asked if I would pray - not for healing, or guidance, or spiritual strength, but that such and such a horse would win such and such a race, as my shipmate had placed a large bet on that happening! 

I suspect that there are even fellow disciples of Jesus who think of prayer in the same way! It's asking for something, and expecting to receive it. This has led to the situation in which prayer is only answered if we receive that for which we asked!

Now, some might point to the words of the Lord Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 7:8 - "For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." However, it is always dangerous to lift a single verse, and base any decision on it, without recourse to other parts of God's Word that explain, and qualify, the verse in question.

It is not all asking that receives, for there is asking - such as I was requested to make - that is not true prayer. Some ask merely in word, with no real desire in their hearts. Some - like my former shipmates - ask selfishly, that they may use this wonderful privilege to satisfy their own desires. Others ask rebelliously, without submission to the will of Father God. Then there are those who ask without faith - not really expecting any answer. Some ask in laziness, not ready to play their own part. Yet others ask ignorantly for things that would nt be a blessing if they were to receive them. It is surely clear that those who ask in any of these ways will not receive!

Similarly, not all who seek find! The seeking must be earnest. Speaking through His prophet, Jeremiah, YHWH says: "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart," (29:13; emphasis added).The seeking must also be for good things. If we seek that which is sinful, or that would work spiritual harm in us, Father God will not give us what we seek. Then, again, we must be living lives that seek to honour Him. The Sons of Korah remind us that: "No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly." (Ps.84:11; emphasis added). The thing that we seek must be good, and we must walk in the path of obedience, or there is no promise of reward for our quest.

Finally, Father God does not open the door to all knocking. There are knocks like those of mischievous children, who knock at a door (or ring the door-bell),and then run away, not really having wanted to enter! It is also all too easy to knock at the wrong door! It is when we knock at the right door, with expectancy, and faith, and persistence, that the door is graciously opened. 

Thus, in interpreting the wonderful prayer-promise that the Lord Jesus gave, we must read into those words their true meaning. If we are to receive positive answers, then our asking, seeking, and knocking, must be true prayer! 

We'll continue with this topic, DV, next time!

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