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18 Jun 2023


One of the topics recently covered by the British media is, again, that of "Honours" and who is deserving of them! For what it's worth, I would not allow any Prime Minister to recommend his/her cronies for any honour, and certainly not for a peerage. These "honours" should be reserved for those who have actually done something outstandingly good for the country, and not just for their own little clique!

Last week saw a different kind of "Honour" being conferred as Honorary Degrees were conferred upon a number of people who, in the eyes of the University of Glasgow, had made a significant contribution to a variety of spheres of activity. I am still waiting for that august centre of learning to award me an honorary DD - having left with a lowly L.Th., and now having a string of academic qualifications; authored three books; and fulfilled a commission for the former Strathclyde Regional Council on Religious Education in the classroom. Perhaps a member of the University Court will accidentally read my blog, and this post!!!!

However, many years ago, my wife and I were visiting a dear friend whom I had first met when my ship - the original ss Oriana - was berthed in Vancouver, Canada, on a Sunday, and I had made my way to "Highland Presbyterian Church" for their evening service of worship. That is a story in itself, but suffice to say that I met two sisters, considerably older than was I(!), who became good friends and whom I visited when I was in the city, and Dr Jean when she retired and returned to Edinburgh. She was a very highly-qualified lady, and had been Chief Medical Officer of Health for the City of Vancouver. I was bemoaning the fact that, for a variety of reasons, I only had my L.Th, and my Diploma from the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow. Jean looked at me! "Never forget, my lad, that you have the best qualification of all." I looked at her, questioningly. "You already have your degree from the University of Life!" It was a comment worthy of thought!

Then, there is the greatest honour that can be bestowed upon any member of the human race. Writing to the early disciples who lived in the province of Galatia, in southern Asia Minor, Paul states: "...  in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith." (Gal.3:26). Later, in the history of the Christian Church, the apostle John penned his account of the Gospel record. He wrote, at the beginning: "... to all who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave power to become children of God;" (John 1:12). Paul, again, this time in his letter to the believers in Rome, writes: "When we cry, “Abba! Father!”  it is the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, ..." (Rom.8:15-17). I have added the emphasis in each quotation!

And we may go further! In my book "Foundations of the Faith", I state that as a child of God, I am also adopted – and that is even more wonderful.  Dr James Packer writes: “Adoption is the highest privilege that the Gospel offers: higher even than justification. This may cause some raising of eyebrows, for justification is the gift of God on which, since Luther, evangelicals have laid the greatest stress.  None the less, careful thought will show the truth of the statement we have just made.  ... ... ... Adoption is higher because of the richer relationship with God that it involves.  Justification is a forensic idea, conceived in terms of law, and viewing God as judge.  In justification, God declares of penitent believers that they are not, and never will be, liable to the death that their sins deserve, because Jesus Christ, their substitute and sacrifice, tasted death in their place on the cross. ... ... ... Adoption is a family idea, conceived in terms of love, and viewing God as father.  In adoption, God takes us into His family and fellowship, and establishes us as His children and heirs.  Closeness, affection, and generosity are at the heart of the relationship.  To be right with God the judge is a great thing; but to be loved and cared for by God the Father is a greater.”  (Knowing God, pps 230-231; Hodder & Stoughton, 1973; bold emphasis added).

I am a sinner! I don't need anyone else to tell me that - I am all too aware of my own weaknesses. Almighty God is sinless. Indeed, He cannot bear to even look upon sin. Yet, in Messiah Yeshua (to momentarily lapse into Hebrew!) I have the inestimable honour of being a child of that same God, the Holy One of Israel, and a joint-heir with the Lord Jesus! That beats a peerage, a knighthood, a DD, and anything else that may be relevant, into the proverbial cocked hat!

And more! You, too, if you have not already done so, may receive that honour. How do you deserve it? You don't! You never can. It's conferred upon you by His amazing grace. All that you have to do is accept it. Of course, once you do that, you begin a life that is, for so many, extremely difficult, even dangerous! But it is so worthwhile, and I commend it to you.

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