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25 Apr 2021

News Bulletin.

I have made no secret of the fact that, with regard to Covid-19, I am something of a "conspiracy theorist"! I am also what has become known as an "anti-vaxxer". Okay, I reckon that I may have lost a number of friends just by posting those two sentences!

However, I have not made those decisions lightly, and unthinkingly. I have made them because I have gone to the trouble to do some basic research of my own, and not simply swallow all that the politicians, and the mainstream media, have churned out - in the UK; in France; and, it seems, in the rest of the world!

When one checks, for example, the actual number of deaths that are attributable to only Covid-19, then one discovers that they may be less than what is experienced with influenza! I use the word "may" simply because it is difficult to obtain totally accurate figures from any source! Of course, I don't expect anyone to take my word for it! Do your own research. It could be a real eye-opener!

However, in the book of Deuteronomy, in the Tanakh (the Old Testament of the Christian Bible), and in chapter 7 is a far more serious warning that any given out about Covid-19 - and this one is genuine! I would encourage you to read vs 6-16. Overall, that passage is a positive expression of the blessing of YHWH. It expresses His willingness to help those who trust Him. But that's not the whole picture! In v.10 we read: He "requites to their face those who hate Him, by destroying them; He will not be slack with him who hates Him, He will requite him to his face." 

Did you catch that "News Bulletin"? YHWH alerted His chosen people to be 'on the lookout' - not for bad men roaming the streets, but for a good God Who will destroy all those who hate Him!

It's true. A virus, however harmful it may be, is far from the only thing to be feared. Much more fearful is Almighty God! Even although He is merciful, and full of compassion, His awesome holiness makes all other kinds of fear look mild by comparison. 

In Matt. 10:28, we have these recorded words of the Lord Jesus: "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear Him Who can destroy both soul and body in hell." "It is not hell-fire we are to fear, but it is God; without the stroke of Whose justice hell itself would be no punishment, and Whose frown would render heaven itself insupportable." (Adam Clarke's Commentary). This is the God who is described, by the writer of the Letter to Hebrew disciples of Jesus, as "... a consuming fire." (Heb 12:29).

Just before I was about to publish this post, I received an e-mail that included these words:

"The God Who can speak the billions of galaxies into existence with the “breath of His mouth” (Psalm 33:6) is a God Who can cast ungodly men into eternal hell for their defiance and rebellion against “the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4)."

We may not like to face this sobering truth, but Almighty God will not always be patient with those people who have no love or respect for Him. That, I would suggest, is a "News Bulletin" that we cannot afford to miss - or to ignore!

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