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8 Jan 2021

One of a kind!

This week, my wife and I each received our "Carte de Séjour"! "What", most of the readers of this blog will be asking, "is that?" Well, it means that, having lived in France for more than five years, we now have official evidence that we are considered to be residents of the country. It does not mean that we have been naturalised - we still hold UK passports, and expect to return to Scotland if we are spared to reach a "certain age"!!

The Carte de Séjour contains a passport-type photograph (so not the most flattering!), and other specific information about  - just as our passports do. However, in a first for either of us, it also contains our fingerprints! I shall have to be doubly careful to wear gloves on my next burglary mission!!!!! (joke!).

I also read, recently, of a particular type of pottery, named "Raku" pottery. This is, in origin, a Japanese method of firing clay pottery in which each piece is hand-formed (i.e. not formed on a potter's wheel)  - a process, it is claimed, that allows the spirit of the potter to speak through the finished work, with particular directness and intimacy. 

Once the clay has been shaped by the potter, it is fired in a kiln then, glowing hot, it is thrust into a pile of combustible material that quickly takes the heat from the vessel. The result is a "one of a kind" - something that is truly unique.

So what might be the link between a Carte de Séjour, and Raku pottery?! Well, I think that it is in the personal connection. Something that it uniquely "me" (my fingerprints) in somehow embedded in my Carte de Séjour; the potter's personality is, apparently, "imprinted" in the Raku pottery.

So it is with each of us. We bear the imprint of the Creator. He has spoken through His work with particular directness and intimacy. Each of us is formed in a unique way, for a unique work. "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph.2:10).

However, although we are created for good works we are, ourselves "works in progress". We must experience the kiln of affliction. Aching hearts, weary spirits, ageing bodies, are all processes that Almighty God uses to finish the work He has begun.

This means that we need have no fear of circumstances - however unpleasant, or inconvenient, or apparently pointless!  Be "patient in tribulation" (Rom.12:12), and await the finished product. "Let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:4).

You, whoever you are, are "one of a kind". There has never, in the whole history of the world, been anyone exactly like you. No matter for how long the world exists, there will never be anyone exactly like you. And you are beloved of God! He created you; He knows what is best for you. Our responsibility is to stay as close to Him as we can, and to remain within His will for us. It's the best that we may do for ourselves - and for others!

May you draw close to Him, and live in His light, that you may fulfil His purposes for you - His unique creation.

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