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17 Jun 2019

The end of time!

I believe that it was no less a person than Albert Einstein who established that 'time' has a beginning and an end. Of course, students of the written Word of God, the Bible, already knew that, as the fact is clear in that Word! There have also been many who have claimed, in spite of the clear statement of the Lord Jesus to the contrary (Mk.13:32), to be able to predict the very day on which the Son will return and herald the end of time.

However, although we can not know the precise point at which time will end, we may discern the seasons - and there are many indications that we are rapidly approaching that momentous event known to Biblical theologians as "the rapture". There are a few differing views as to when, in the overall scheme of things, that event will take place. The Bible speaks of a time of tribulation for the human race. I am among those who believe that the rapture will occur immediately before that seven-year period.

One of the clear signs of the times is the increase in the persecution of disciples of Jesus. Those of us who live in what is often called "the West" are often blissfully unaware of the severe difficulties faced by our brothers and sisters in the Lord, in more than fifty countries in the modern world. However, even the secular world is beginning to realise something of the extent of the persecution that these dear people face. Indeed, a recent report ordered by British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, stated that the persecution of Christians in parts of the world is at near “genocide” levels!

Having been interested in, and supportive of, the persecuted church for decades, I am aware of some of the current increase in persecution in, e.g., China, India, Sri Lanka, and the Central African Republic. I know that North Korea remains the most dangerous country in the world in which to be identified as a disciple of Jesus. I know that Muslim extremists will target Jesus' followers as much as they will Jews. This is seen, particularly, in Nigeria where two Islamic groups - Boko Haram and militant Fulani tribesmen are responsible for the slaughter of more believers than in any other country - more than 75% (if I recall correctly) of all of those murdered, are in Nigeria! Of course, there are fates worse than death!

There are, of course, many other such signs, so it is a wise person who will ensure that they are ready for the event itself! How may one do that? Simply by being "born again" (John 3:3). That, in turn, involves the ABC of admitting that you are a sinner in the sight of Almighty God; believing that the death of Jesus, the Son, is sufficient to atone for your sins; and confessing to others that you are now committed to following Him.

That is the shortened version! May I recommend two of the links below - "Do you need God?"; and "New Christian UK"? Of course, you may also contact me using the e-mail address at the top. I would also recommend the first two of my own books (remember, I receive no financial benefit at all. All royalties go directly to Release International - supporting the persecuted church). Of course, the third book is worth reading - but start with the first two!

Blessings, and shalom.

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