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14 Apr 2019

Thermometers, or thermostats?

Many homes in what we refer to as "the West" have a central heating system installed. As part of that system, there is a thermostat and, if the family wish to make use of one, a thermometer may also be installed. Although those two names have a certain similarity, the difference in function is considerable!

When the house is cool, the mercury (or modern equivalent) in the tube of the thermometer drops; when the house is warm, it rises. The temperature, at any given time, may be easily ascertained simply by checking the level of the fluid against the markings on the glass tube. 

The thermostat also responds to any fall, or rise, in the temperature. When the temperature drops, it sends an electronic message to the boiler: "We need more heat"; when the house is sufficiently warm, it sends a different message: "Turn off the heat"!

Do you see the difference between the two instruments. One merely registers the condition, while the other controls it!

May I suggest that this is an illustration of those who claim to be disciples of Jesus? Some are thermometers, and others are thermostats. Many merely record the social pressures, and the current trends in religious thought, and are content to accommodate themselves to the situation in which they find themselves.  As a result, they are "... carried about with every wind of doctrine ..." (Eph.4:14), and have no true stability of character.

On the other hand, there are believers who are thermostats. They do not fluctuate erratically, but have firm convictions, based on Biblical truth. As a result, they are able to help society, and serve as "pillars of the church" (cf. Gal.2:9) - provided that the church is willing to listen, and accept! Regardless of the cost to themselves, they are willing to protest when God's written Word is ignored; when falsehood and "wolves in sheep's clothing" (cf. Matt.7:15; Acts 20:29) have infiltrated the fellowship; when physical appearance is given more consideration than spiritual health.

Both the world, and the church need more "thermostat" disciples of Jesus - those who are willing "...  to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude: 3), amid the shifting winds of false doctrine, and the "ups and downs" of emotional fanaticism.

It is a sad truth that there are those who will fall for anything, and stand for nothing!

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