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31 Dec 2018

A new year - what may it hold?!

Yesterday, as I searched for a parking space in the West End of the city of Glasgow (finding the crock of gold at the end of a rainbow is marginally easier!) that I noticed the very large sign that proclaimed "The Messiah has come"! Well, as I had just celebrated the annual Christmas season, when many of us remember the incarnation of Almighty God as a helpless infant, more than 2,000 years ago, I couldn't disagree. However, what was surprising was that the sign was on a building that is used as a mosque! It also had a picture of a bearded male who, it would appear, was the "messiah" to whom reference was made.

A few days ago, a newspaper made the statement: "The Bible indicates that the Rapture could come at any time and you will not be expecting it, ..." With that statement, I had no problem at all. My difficulty is with those who claim to know the date and time of the Rapture!

At this time of year, many people make predictions about the year that is about to commence (and has already commenced in some parts of the world!). However, many predictions have been shown to be totally wrong. For example, almost 150 years ago, the Chief Engineer of the British Post Office, stated that while Americans may have need of the new-fangled telephone, the British had no such need - because there were plenty of message-boys! One wonders what that gentleman's reaction would be today when, it seems, no-one is able to go anywhere without a mobile telephone!

Another prediction from the past (the only ones that we can truly 'judge'!) was that "Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures, after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night." It's hard to believe that those words were spoken by Daryl Zanuck, a film producer and co-founder of 20th Century Fox!

We are living, of course, in a time of greater change than has been experienced in, almost certainly, the recorded history of mankind. As we look around, we are made aware of great changes in the natural world - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis. In social life, I am informed that one's birth-gender is irrelevant, as one may "choose" one's gender! The outcome of that kind of change is biological men competing in women's sports events; biological men using female changing rooms; insisting on being transferred to female prisons. I see the political élite being challenged by the "ordinary" people. I am reminded of the words of the hymn-writer: "Change and decay in all around I see" - and I wonder what Henry Francis Lyte would think in our contemporary situation!

However, there is that which is unchangeable! The author of the New Testament Letter to Hebrews disciples of Jesus noted that: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (13:8). In  the Tanakh (the Old Testament), we read the words of Almighty God as given to the prophet Malachi: "I the Lord do not change." (3:6). 

The other "tradition" for many, at this time of year, is that of making "new year resolutions"! The only such resolution that I ever made, and kept for more than a few weeks, was many years ago when I resolved never to make another new year resolution!

If you are going to make a resolution for 2019, and have not yet accepted the salvation from sin, and sins, that is offered through the Lord Jesus, the Christ, may I encourage you to come to Him, in repentance and faith; receive the new life that is available through Him; and discover that His words are true: "I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Matt 28:20).

A very happy New Year to all.

29 Dec 2018

More on apartheid in the modern State of Israel.

Although this blog is, primarily, a Christian ministry blog, I do publish posts on a variety of other topics. One of those concerns the negative press given to the State of Israel and to the Jewish people, by those who are too blind - or too bigoted - to see the truth! I often see material that claims that Israel is an "apartheid" state, just like the pre-Mandela South Africa. This is, of course, totally untrue, and an insult to those who suffered under the apartheid regime in South Africa.

These two pictures, sent by a friend, speak volumes. Look; consider; and realise that, while the State of Israel is not perfect (there are a number of the government's policies with which I, personally, totally disagree), it is most definitely NOT operating any policy of apartheid!

28 Dec 2018

Getting it right!

Having read over the previous post again, I became aware that it was not as clear as I had intended it to be! So, in order to provide some clarification, permit me to offer the following.

1. One must always be very cautious when seeking to use a human situation as an analogy of the Creator of all that exists.

2. God's love is, as John 3:16 declares, directed at every human being who has been, or will be, created.

3. The real difference is not in God's love, but in our eternal destiny. If I respond, positively, to the love of God by acknowledging, and confessing my sins (not simply my sinful nature, but the individual sins that I commit every day); coming to Him in repentance and faith; accepting the salvation that was gained for me at Calvary; and allowing God the Holy Spirit to do His sanctifying work in my life (i.e. make me more like Jesus); then I become His born-again, adopted, child. I have entered into a new relationship with Him that enables me to return love. "We love, because He first loved us." (I John 4:19).

I do hope that the above helps to remove any confusion that there might have been. However, as always, please feel free to contact me if you have a question.

Blessings, and shalom.

27 Dec 2018

Love ----- or lust?

It was one of those "photo-articles" that regularly appear in my on-line newspaper. It referred to many female celebrities of screen and stage from the days when I was a much younger man!! I browsed through them, and was genuinely surprised at the change in appearance of so many! Women who, forty years ago, I would have considered to be very attractive, even beautiful, were - in my eyes - no longer so!

I didn't need either old photographs, or contemporary ones, of another female - one who is well-known to me. I refer, of course, to my wife! Now, she has certainly changed in her appearance through the intervening years. However, to me, she is still a beautiful woman and, even after more than forty-eight years of marriage, I still fancy her!

So what makes the difference? Permit me to come at the question from a slightly different direction. If I were to stand my wife, as she is now, beside (for example) Jaclyn Smith, as she was when she played the part of one of "Charlie's Angels", and judge them against one another, in a totally objective fashion, then there is no doubt that the early Jaclyn Smith would win the contest. But it's that word "objective" that makes the difference.

You see, I don't look at my wife in an objective fashion. I look at her through the eyes of love. If I look at Jaclyn Smith, as she was (or any of the others in that batch of women) I am, if I am totally honest with myself, looking through the eyes of lust! However, I might say that I don't love my wife, today, because of how she looks. Rather, she looks to me as she does, because of my love for her! Do you understand the difference?!

We may use that situation as an analogy. When Almighty God looks at me, just as I am, He cannot see anything in me that He would find "attractive". Yet I am assured that He loves me, with "... an everlasting love." (Jer. 31:3). I am assured that "... God so loved the world [that includes me - and you!] that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have [note the present tense!] eternal life." (John 3:16). I am assured "... that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [me] from the love of God in Christ Jesus [my] Lord." (Rom 8:38-39).

He looks at me, not objectively, but through the eyes of love! But how can this be? It's simply because, in repentance and faith, I have accepted the salvation that the Christ Whose miraculous incarnation we have just celebrated, won for me on the cross of Calvary when "For [my] sake He [the Father] made Him [the Son] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him [I] might become the righteousness of God." (II Cor 5:21; emphasis added). It's nothing of 'me'; it's all of Him!

As we approach the end of this year of grace, and anticipate the beginning of a new year, how does Father God see you? Is He able to look at you, and see that your sins are forgiven because of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus? Or are you living in your sin - perhaps trying to win God's favour by what you consider to be 'good deeds'? 

Many, many years ago, I made the only "new year resolution" that I have managed to keep for more than a few months. It was the simple resolution that I would no longer make new year resolutions! However, if you still do so, and you are not yet in that personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, through the indwelling power of God the Holy Spirit, may I encourage you to come to Him - "... Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith who, for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Heb 12:2).  

He is waiting; He is willing to receive you. Will you come to Him, today? If I may be of any assistance, please feel free to use the e-mail address at the top of the page; or send a contact e-mail address as a comment (that will not be published!); or check out some of the links further down the page. The one thing you must not do is nothing! "Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (II Cor 6:2); "... how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?" (Heb 2:3). 

24 Dec 2018

On a starry night.

Just over a week ago, I watched a video-clip from the town of Nazareth, with a count-down to midnight on Dec.24th, and a massive display of fireworks. I don't know how many people were gathered together to celebrate, but it looked as if there were many thousands.

Now, apart from the fact that Jesus was not born on December 25th - type "When was Jesus really born" in the search engine box at the top-left, to read the post on the topic from last year! - there are other significant differences between that scene from modern Nazareth, and the event that took place, more than 2,000 years ago, in Bethlehem.

First of all, Bethlehem was not packed with thousands of onlookers! Oh, it is true that the town was overcrowded because of the census that had been declared. That, we are informed, was why there was no proper accommodation for the man Joseph and his young, heavily pregnant wife, Mary. However, those who were there were so because of the Imperial Decree. They certainly were not awaiting fireworks and a load of razzmatazz!

Not that the skies were silent over Bethlehem! Those shepherds, watching their flocks on the hills above the town, could vouch for that! That is the second difference. No fireworks, but an angelic messenger, quickly accompanied by "... a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!'" (Luke 2:13-14). Oh, and please don't be misled by popular Christmas cards, or nativity plays! These were no little cherubs, in white gowns, and with golden curls above rosy cheeks! The words "the heavenly host" refer to the armies of heaven! These were mighty warriors - quite possibly bearing weapons! - who were glorifying the Creator of all that exists.

Today, of course is, for so many, just the final shopping day for the last-minute Christmas gift. I was in a shop (just browsing!!) earlier today. There was, of course, music playing. I heard what I have to say was the most excruciating rendition of "O come, all ye faithful" that I have ever had the misfortune to hear! Even the shop assistant from whom I sought some advice agreed! However, I wondered just how many of those in the shop were even the least bit interested in adoring the One Who came into this sinful world in order to die for the salvation of all who will come to Him, in repentance (sadly so seldom mentioned, today, in even good evangelical fellowships - yet of the utmost importance!) and faith, and accept that He has already done for them, what they can never do for themselves.

You see, Christmas, wonderful although it is, is only the beginning of a greater story. Because that Infant Who was laid in a manger became the Christ Who hung on a cross. It was there that He paid the penalty that you and I deserved to pay. He paid a debt He did not owe, because we owe a debt we cannot pay.

In the midst of all of the fun and festivity that so many of us will enjoy, may I ask for two things?  May I ask that you give some thought to all of those who are spending their first Christmas-time without a particular loved one; those who are alone; those who are part of that vast number that we refer to, collectively, as "the persecuted church", and who are unable to celebrate as we do? May I also ask you to give thought to the One Whose birth we celebrate. It's become something of a cliché, but He really is "the Reason for the season"!

May I also wish you - if you are reading this in time! - a very happy Christmas, during which you come to appreciate a little more, what Almighty God, in His great love, has done for us, in Jesus.

Blessings, and shalom.

22 Dec 2018

The best-laid plans ...!

It was the Scots Bard, Robert (Rabbie) Burns who, in his poem "To a mouse" states that "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley" (No matter how carefully we plan, be we mice or man, those plans often go awry). These past couple of days have certainly proved the truth of that comment in our own situation!

We left home, early on Monday morning, to head north for our annual visit to family and friends, in Scotland, for Christmas and the New Year. We were also towing the Eriba caravan that we had been unable to register, and that had been sold in the UK. The action of "Les Gilets Jaunes" (the Yellow Vests) has lessened, so we had very little delay 'on the road'. Our first overnight stop was in Orleans and, the next morning we headed up to our familiar watering-hole in Arques. 

So far, so good. It was on Wednesday that the 'fun' began! We left Arques to drive the 35 km to the port of Calais, to board the ferry that would take us to Dover. As we drove into the port area, my wife discovered that her passport was not in the pouch in which both are usually kept. Panic!!! We drove to the parking area, and searched everywhere else that we could think of. No passport! My poor wife was frantic, and blamed herself for the situation. However, we were discovering (not for the first time, I must add) that "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley"

The decision was made to return home. We left some of our luggage in the Eriba, and headed south. After about 50 km, my wife wondered if she had checked some of the bags carefully enough - so we went back to Calais. Definitely no passport. Head south again - with stops only for some food, and for 'comfort breaks'. We arrived home about 0130, Thursday. Five hours sleep, then attempts to change the booking on the ferry to Friday. P&O were sympathetic, but as we had booked through Direct Ferries, they could do nothing. DF are in the UK, so there office didn't open until 1000, French time. We set off, back up the road, managing to have the booking changed - we were grateful for the mobile 'phone!

Of course, we also had appointments made, and visits arranged, in the UK - not least the return of the Eriba. Countless other text-messages were sent back and forward. We arrived back in Dover at about 2330, and managed a few hours sleep in the caravan before boarding the ferry, and heading to Dover - two days later than we had intended. All the forward planning was, effectively, for nothing. "The best-laid plans ... ...!

However, the situation, and Burns' words, set me thinking - isn't it wonderful that, although our plans so often get turned upside-down, God's plans are always fulfilled. Right at the beginning, when man's disobedience allowed sin to enter the perfect world that God had created, Almighty God made it clear that He already had a plan. In the first of what are referred to as "Messianic passages", He says to the serpent: "... cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." (Gen. 3:14-15). This is acknowledged as a reference to the Lord Jesus, the incarnate God, whose coming into the world, "... at the right time ..." (Rom.5:6; see Gal.4:4), we celebrate next week.

The Tanakh (the Old Testament) is filled with prophecies that Almighty God has made - and countless numbers of them have already been fulfilled. I shan't go into any others here, but it doesn't require too much basic research to discover many of them!

So the Bard was right - but only as far as mice and men are concerned! When it comes to the Creator of all that exists, His plans are perfect, and they are fulfilled. Indeed, there are prophecies that are being fulfilled in our own time, even as the Lord Jesus was asked by the Jewish religious leaders if He was indeed, Messiah, simply because they were expecting Messiah to appear at that time, in accordance with prophetic utterances. Of course, they were looking for the wrong kind of Messiah!

It was a simple mistake that led to the disruption of our plans; other plans may be disrupted for countless other reasons. But let us be thankful that "God is working His purpose out as year succeeds to year" (A.C.Ainger), and rejoice that His faithfulness is so great!

16 Dec 2018

Loving others.

Mankind is, by its fallen nature, selfish. The philosophy of life of so many is expressed in the words of the world's first murderer: " I my brother's keeper?" (Gen.4:9). In our contemporary situation, we may hear: "I'm alright, Jack; I do not care for you!"; "You have to put yourself first!"; "I'm looking after No.1!"

Of course, this is not the pattern for anyone who claims to be a disciple of Jesus, the Christ. As we grow in grace, we should begin to think more of others, and less of ourselves. Paul writes: "... let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to edify him. For Christ did not please himself; " (Rom 15:2-3).

I recently read the story of two soldiers who had just been released from a prison camp in Siberia, at the end of the Second World War. "We did our best," an officer later reported, "to repatriate the men as quickly as possible, but many were still there when the winter ice threatened to close the port."  Only a limited number could board the last small boat. Among those who were awaiting transport were two soldiers who had been mates right through the war. One of them was selected to leave, but the other was one who would have to be left behind. Because of the space limitations, the order was given that those who were leaving could bring with them only one kit-bag. 

The heart of the man who was chosen went out to his comrade-in-arms. He immediately emptied his kit-bag of its prized souvenirs and his few personal belongings, and told his companion to get into the canvas sack. Then, carefully lifting the bag on to his shoulders, he boarded the vessel with his friend. Just one kit-bag - but a very precious content! This was a man who truly loved beyond himself.

As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, many of us remember that the One Who was born in Bethlehem, some 2,000 years ago, was not an ordinary infant. He was Almighty God Incarnate (in the flesh). "Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see; Hail! the incarnate Deity." He grew up; was recognised as a rabbi (teacher); spoke words of love and encouragement to many - and words of challenge and condemnation to others!; was put through mockeries of trials; declared to be guilty; crucified, and entombed. Why? that is a question on which I have preached on a number of occasions. However, one simple answer is that He went through all of that for you, and for me. He " ... bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness." (I Peter 2:24). He put you, and me, first. That should be the goal of each of us. His is the great example.

As most of us enjoy the coming celebrations, let us be careful to think of others as well as of ourselves. Let us remember that the Child in the manger, became the Christ of the cross - and let us worship and adore Him as is His right.

12 Dec 2018

Are screens affecting our children’s brains?

Each day, Monday to Friday, I receive an e-mail from Dr Jim Denison, a trusted author and subject matter expert in areas where faith and current events intersect. His Daily Article provides leading insight for discerning today’s news from a biblical perspective.  Today's article deserves as wide an audience as possible, and only takes about four minutes to read. It is published here with permission.
"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been studying the effect of screen time for children. The preliminary results are in and they’re not good.
The NIH report shows that nine- and ten-year-old children who spend more than two hours in front of a screen each day score lower on thinking and language tests. This is troubling since the average “tweenager” spends up to six hours a day on their tablet or phone.
In addition, scientists have found that children with daily screen usage of more than seven hours show premature thinning of the brain cortex. This is the outermost layer that processes information from the physical world. While it’s too soon to know with certainty that screen time usage caused the changes to the children’s brains, scientists will be monitoring this relationship carefully.

Are your children addicted to technology?

The NIH report is just one example of the growing effect of technology on our children. Another study related smartphone use by children to sleep deprivation and other problems associated with poor attention spans. This is alarming since two-thirds of children take their smartphones to bed with them.
One group of scientists found that the more time four-year-olds spent interacting with media, the shorter their sleep was at ages four and six. A study published by Harvard Medical School has shown that blue-tinged light emitted by devices such as smartphones and tablets suppresses the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone vital to good sleep.
Counselors warn that digital addiction is a growing problem. The compulsion to continue playing video games or using technology is escalating. China has identified internet addiction as one of its main public health risks. In some parts of Asia, digital addiction rates may be as high as 26 percent.
Among American children between the ages of eight and eighteen, around 8 percent could already be classified as addicted. A 2010 study found that children in this age group spend more than seven hours a day consuming media.

Practical ways to manage technology

In The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place, Andy Crouch offers practical commitments parents can make to help their children and family manage technology. Among them:
  • Turn off technology one hour a day, one day a week, and one week a year.
  • Use screens for a purpose and together rather than aimlessly and alone.
  • Dedicate car time to conversation with no technology.
  • Be sure spouses have each other’s passwords and parents have complete access to their children’s devices.
I would add this: community is vital to our souls. We were made to do life together. Every image of the church in the New Testament is collective–a vine with many branches, a body with many parts.
By contrast, technology isolates us. For every family that plays a video game together, there are multitudes of children (and parents) who play them alone. A computer or handheld device is intentionally isolating. It’s hard for two people to use one keyboard or focus on the same screen.
Such isolation can be devastating.
While technology can foster a sense of community through social media, it’s no substitute for in-depth personal relationships. Nothing replaces spending time with those we love. A screen is not a parent.

“We are familiar with his evil schemes”

Here’s the bottom line: God intends parents to be the pastors of their families. We cannot delegate their souls to their teachers at school, ministers at church, or friends online.
Fathers are told to “bring [children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). We are to value our children as “a heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3).
One of the many reasons I admire the Jewish culture is its commitment to the home and family. The father is responsible for teaching the Torah to his children. The parents are responsible for modeling Jewish faith and culture. The survival and prosperity of the Jewish people across forty centuries are largely due to this passionate commitment of each generation to the next.
The family is God’s invention and design for us (Genesis 1:28). But the devil hates all that God loves. If he can use technology to isolate children from their parents and infect them with pornography, violence, and digital addiction, he will.
Paul said of Satan, “We are familiar with his evil schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:11 NLT). Can you say the same?"
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10 Dec 2018

Kindness - it's a characteristic of love.

In the home of the Roman centurion, Cornelius, Peter shared about the Lord Jesus. One of the things that he said about Him was that "... He went about doing good ..." (Acts 10:38). Jesus was, in fact, kindness and goodness personified, for He was full of God the Holy Spirit. When the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, we too will want "... to walk in the same way in which He walked." (1 John 2:6), and spend our lives ministering to others.

Let's face it - everyone can perform some deed of kindness each day. A pleasant greeting; an expression of sympathy; a visit to a shut-in person (perhaps with a couple of cakes to go with a cup of  coffee!); even a good book passed on to gladden another's heart. A lunch shared; an errand done; a word of affection, or encouragement. These are the kinds of things that are within the power of almost everyone. Larger opportunities may not come our way, but those smaller ones are almost always to hand.

I read, recently, of an Arab who was chauffeur for a lady travelling in the Holy Land. Noticing an obviously Jewish driver experiencing difficulties with his car, and having received permission from his employer, he stopped to offer assistance. It didn't take him too many minutes to realise that he didn't have the parts necessary to get the other car moving again, so, having once more sought permission, he invited the Jewish man to ride in the front with him so that he could take him into the city where he could get further help. 

After he left the Jew at a garage, the lady expressed her surprise at the kind treatment the driver had given one who, she had supposed, was his enemy! "I didn't know that Arabs were so friendly with Jews!", she remarked. The chauffeur's reply was accompanied with a joyous smile. "Things like that don't make any difference to me since I've been converted! The Lord Jesus wants us to treat everyone as we would wish to be treated."

Now I appreciate that one does not require to be a disciple of Jesus in order to be kind. However, those of us who have become identified with Him should be so filled with His grace that we constantly overflow with compassion and consideration for others. Writing to his fellow-believers in the Galatian churches, the apostle Paul declared that: "... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;" (Gal 5:22-23). I have long contended that, if the apostle had been writing using modern punctuation marks (which he did not!), there would be a colon (:) after the word "love". You see, the word "fruit"is singular, meaning that there is only one "fruit of the Spirit". The other characteristics, I suggest, are ways by which that love is expressed! You may have noticed that one of them is "kindness"!

Will you seek to express love by acts of kindness, today? Will you? 

3 Dec 2018

Saved to serve!

This morning, in my personal devotions, my reading was Matt.25:31-46. These are some of the words of the Lord Jesus concerning judgement. There is too much to share in a blog post but, perhaps, one of the most important lessons concerns behaviour. 

We read: "When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will place the sheep at His right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the King will say to those at His right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see Thee hungry and feed Thee, or thirsty and give Thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger and welcome Thee, or naked and clothe Thee? And when did we see Thee sick or in prison and visit Thee?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then He will say to those at His left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see Thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to Thee?' Then He will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

What do these words say to us? May I suggest that the first thing is the certainty of His coming?  Secondly, that there will be judgement! But I want to emphasise what I see as a third lesson. If you read those verses carefully, you will notice that the charge against those who are condemned to eternal punishment does not concern what they have done, but what they have failed to do! There are sins of omission, as well as sins of commission! James writes: "Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." (4:17; my emphasis). The Westminster Divines defined "sin" as "... any want of conformity unto (omission), or transgression of (commission), the law of God." (Shorter Catechism). Not doing good is the moral equivalent of doing evil!

Of course, those who had - however unknowingly - served the Saviour (through serving others in His name) did not gain salvation by their good works! Paul makes that perfectly clear when, writing to the believers in Ephesus, he states that: "... by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God - not because of works, lest any man should boast." (2:8-9). I have written in the margin of my Bible: "Salvation is not by works; but good works are the result of salvation." In that vein, Paul continues: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:10; my emphasis). 

We do not serve to be saved - but we are certainly saved to serve!

26 Nov 2018

An attitude of gratitude.

It was in one of our 'local' supermarkets, this afternoon. My wife and I were attending to some shopping requirements. As we passed a trolley that had a small child in it, he dropped the model car with which he was playing. I stooped down to pick it up and gave it to him. His (I presume) mother, turned around from the shelving and instructed him; "Dit merci au monsieur."("Say thank you to the gentleman."). "Merci, monsieur.", the child immediately said, and I responded appropriately.

As we walked on, I spoke to my wife, saying how good it was that a child was being taught to say "Thank you". I know that it is not as common in the UK as it was when I was being raised. I then found myself thinking: How often do we say "Thank you" to Father God, for all of His love, and grace, and mercy, and provision, and protection? Indeed, I suspect that those who are named "the persecuted church" are more thankful, in spite of the suffering that they endure, than are many of us who live in the greater freedom of the "western" countries.

Last week, we were back in the UK to attend the funeral service for a very dear friend of forty years, who had died of triple cancer. I can still recall (and will probably never forget!) her words when she informed us, a year ago, of her diagnosis. She informed us that she was in a "win, win" situation. "Either the cancers will be destroyed, and I will have more time to spend with (her husband) and the family; or it won't, and I will see Jesus sooner. Either way, I can be thankful."

John MacArthur is a well-known pastor and theologian from the USA. He has stated that A thankful heart is one of the primary identifying characteristics of a believer. It stands in stark contrast to pride, selfishness, and worry.” The late Dr Billy Graham pointed out that “A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord.” I recall the late Rev. George B.Duncan - for many years my minister, spiritual mentor, and personal friend - tell of a Scripture Union Camp that he had led on the Isle of Arran, off the west coast of Scotland. It was a boys' camp and, one evening, on the slopes of Goat Fell (the high point of the island), they were all seated around a camp-fire. He suggested that every boy pray, but do no more than thank the Lord. He informed us that it was a very moving experience to hear these young lads, one by one, say simply but sincerely, "Thank You, Lord", or "Thank You, Jesus."  

The letters of the apostle Paul have much to say about thanksgiving. However, it was to the disciples of Jesus in Philippi that he gave what is arguably the most important teaching on the subject: "Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God." (4:6). We do not give thanks only when all appears to be well, but even when it is anything but! (That, by the way, is the attitude of our persecuted brothers and sisters).

So, do you have an attitude of gratitude? We have so much for which to give thanks. If a small child can do so because a stranger picked up a wee car and returned it to him, surely we, who have received so much from the hand of Father God, can do likewise! Someone has said that “To be grateful is to recognise the love of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything.” Thank You, Lord; Thank You, Jesus.

25 Nov 2018


It is, perhaps, understandable that various postal authorities regularly raise the cost of postage. More and more people use the internet to send 'letters' (e-mails), and greetings cards (e-cards), and fewer use any form of "snail-mail". I have to confess to being one of the guilty parties. Even the annual newsletter that my wife and I have been sending out since I was licensed as a "minister of the Gospel" has been in e-mail form for many years.

Greetings cards are also now sent electronically. I normally use a particular website ( that provides, for many occasions, cards that have a specifically Christian message. However, there is one Biblical text that is used on many of their cards, that I refuse to use! It is, I would contend, one of the most misunderstood texts in the Old Testament, yet it is frequently quoted by those who claim to be disciples of Jesus, and who wish to encourage someone who is going through a difficult time.

The text is found in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, in the 29th chapter, and at verse 11: "'For I know the plans that I am planning concerning you,' declares YHWH, 'plans for prosperity, and not for harm; to give you a future and a hope.'" What a lovely promise! Who but those are opposed to, and who totally reject, the Biblical record could fail to be other than encouraged by such words? There is only one problem - they do not apply, directly, to you or to me!

Hermeneutics is the discipline of Biblical interpretation (the word may also be used for other literary interpretation). It has one supreme rule - nothing should be interpreted out of its context. There is another approach to specifically Old Testament (Hebrew: Tanakh) texts. I also recall a preacher point out that the words of the Old Testament fall into three categories: those that apply to the nation of Israel for all time; those that apply to the nation of Israel at fixed times; and those that apply to all people at all times.

An example of the first category would be the command, regarding the Feast of Passover, in Ex.12:14 where YHWH instructs His chosen people, through Moses, "This is a day to remember. Each year, from generation to generation you must celebrate it as a special festival to YHWH. This is a law for all time." (emphasis added). With regard to the second category, we might take as an example the word given to Joshua in Josh.11:6, where we read, in the context of a coming battle: "Then YHWH said to Joshua, 'Do not be afraid of them. By this time tomorrow I will hand all of them over to Israel as dead men. Then you must cripple their horses and burn their chariots.'" For the third category, no better example could be found than nine of the Ten Words (Commandments). The only one that does not apply to non-Jews is the Fourth, concerning Shabbat (Sabbath) observance.

Jer.29:11 falls into the second category. The words are part pf a letter, sent by the prophet Jeremiah, to his fellow-Jews in exile in Babylon (vs.4-28). The exiles were being informed by false prophets that no more of their countrymen would be taken captive, and that they would soon return to Jerusalem. However, through Jeremiah, YHWH informs then that they will be there for 70 years (two full generations!), and that they should settle down, and even pray for the city and for its welfare; and that those left in Jerusalem would face calamitous times.

Thankfully, YHWH is gracious, and this is where the words of v.11 come in. YHWH is assuring His people that, even in this difficult situation; even although they have been accepting the words of false prophets (with whom He will deal!); even although the words of Jeremiah are, on the face of it, depressing; He has not totally cast off His people! The time of their punishment is fixed, and He has great plans for them. Of course, as is the case throughout the Biblical record, there is the requirement of faithfulness and obedience! He will gather them "... from all the nations and all the places ..." (v.14) where He has sent them - words that are receiving their final fulfilment in this age, but that do not apply to believers today!

So, don't be in such a hurry to use Jer.29:11 as some kind of panacea for any difficulty - even if it is self-inflicted! But, our God is still a God of mercy and of love, and of grace. So we may apply these words, carefully, to ourselves. In the Zondervan Study Bible, D.A.Carson comments on vs.11-13: "It is also a profound encouragement to contemporary believers who may feel cut off from God by their sins or by difficult circumstances." The important point to make is that not even Dr Carson is suggesting that we may, as some do, presume upon God's love, and grace, and mercy. He is not suggesting that we may, as some do, take these words to mean that we will be financially rich, always find a good parking space, lose weight without any effort, or otherwise reinforce our carnal notions of prosperity. We need to read (remember!) in context. That means coming to the Lord in prayer (v.12); and seeking Him with all of our heart (v.13).

Then we may discover, for ourselves that, while not all Old Testament promises are directed to us, there may be occasions on which they may be legitimately appropriated for us! We may discover more of the truth of Paul's words to the believers in Rome, that: "... everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures [the Tanakh!] and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope." (15:4). May it be so for each of us, that He might be glorified in our lives, and witness.

20 Nov 2018

It's not about money!

Some weeks ago, during a Facebook "discussion" with a female former pupil, I suggested that she check out some material that I had already published on this blog. Her response surprised me! She informed me that she was not going to access my blog and make me money!

It had been my understanding that money-making blogs ran advertisements in order to accrue an income. Perhaps she thought that I did that! However, this blog was never intended to be any kind of cash cow. It is, for me, a ministry blog, that enables me to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, with a wider audience than I might otherwise be able to do. I know that I also publish posts on a variety of other topics, but never with an eye to making money!

However, it may be that there is some way by which I could be making money out the blog, as it stands. If that is the case, it may have hindered some folk from sharing the link so that as many people as possible view it. Permit me to reiterate: I do not make a penny from this blog! However, I would love for it to be more widely read and so, I ask as I have asked before that, if you believe that the content is worthy, you share the link with others. I believe that, the higher the number of people who access it, the higher it climbs on some Google list. That means that if anyone does a search on any of the 'key words' (labels) that are published, Google is more likely to direct them to my blog.

As I am on the subject, I would add that although when I published my first two books, I made clear on the front cover that 30% of the profits from sales would be used to support the persecuted church. That has now changed. The covers now read "ALL royalties go to support the persecuted church". This is true for the third book that is in the process of being published.

So, please spread the word about the blog, and about the books. You will not be doing anything specifically for me - but you will be helping, in some small way, those who suffer - many in ways that are beyond the comprehension of most of us - for the privilege of being disciples of Jesus.

14 Nov 2018

An instrument of ten strings.

As a family, my wife, my daughters, and I are fairly musical. Each of us sings - and, when my daughters were much younger, many car-trips were "shortened" as we sung familiar spiritual songs in four-part harmony! - my wife plays guitar (and Für Elise on the piano!); my elder daughter plays a variety of instruments (she's the professional musician in the family!); and my younger daughter plays keyboard. Me? Well, when it comes to instruments, I can play most tunes on a keyboard, piano, or church organ, provided the tune is in the key of F major!!

I was interested, therefore, to read of a gentleman who, at the midweek prayer-meeting for his church family, prayed in these words: "O Lord, we will praise You; we will praise You with an instrument of ten strings!" Those who were gathered with him wondered at what he meant but, as he continued, it became abundantly clear. "We will praise You with our two eyes, by looking only unto You. We will exalt You with our two ears, by listening only to Your voice. We will extol You with our two hands, by working in Your service. We will honour You with our two feet, by walking in Your ways. We will magnify Your Name with our tongue, by bearing witness to Your loving-kindness. We will worship You with our heart, by loving only You. We thank You, Lord, for this instrument. Keep it in tune; play upon it as You will, and ring out the melodies of Your grace. May its harmonies always express Your glory."

Have you ever thought about yourself as "an instrument of ten strings"? When Frances Ridley Havergal penned the well-known words "Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee" (although many appear to live: "Take my life - and let it be."!) she was expressing the need to make every member of our physical bodies responsive to the Lord's will. Paul emphasises the same truth when he urges the believers in the early church in Rome: "... yield yourselves unto God, as men who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness." (6:13).

When the apostle also wrote his fellow-believers in Rome, to "... present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your spiritual worship." (12:1), he was really encouraging every disciple of Jesus, that we might praise God on our "instrument of ten strings"!

Ready to take up music?

"Two eyes to look to God; two ears to hear His Word;
Two feet to serve the Lord; two hands to wield His sword;
One heart to love His ways; one tongue to sing His praise.
Take them, Saviour, let them be always busy, serving Thee." (Anon).

10 Nov 2018

Headed for home!

Tomorrow, as most folk will be aware, marks the 100th anniversary of the end of "the war to end all wars" - that, later, became known as the First World War. Towards the end of that war, the 308th regiment of the 77th Division of the United States Armed Forces launched an attack into the Argonne forest in north-west France. They believed that French forces were supporting their left flank, and fellow-American soldiers protecting their right flank. Sadly, these forces were delayed and, in an age in which the instant communication, which we take for granted, was not available, and the 308 found themselves surrounded by enemy forces, and under severe mortar, and machine-gun, fire.

As every 'runner' dispatched by the Commanding Officer either became lost, or ran into enemy patrols and was captured, carrier pigeons became the only method of communication with HQ. In an infamous incident on Oct 4th, 1918, inaccurate co-ordinates were delivered by one of the pigeons and, on top of all of their other difficulties, the 308 began to suffer shelling - from their own artillery (what is now referred to as "friendly fire"!!). In desperation, a sergeant released the last pigeon available with a note that read: "We are along the road paralell (sic) 276.4. Our artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us. For heaven's sake stop it."

As soon as the pigeon - named "Cher Ami" ("dear friend") lifted off, a stray bullet grazed the side of its head, and tore out its left eye. Then, a piece of shrapnel hit its chest, shattering its breastbone. However, the homing instinct was strong, and the pigeon struggled on! Somewhere in the flight, another piece of shrapnel tore off its left leg, leaving the message canister dangling from torn ligaments. The pigeon did, eventually, reach its 'home' loft, and the order to cease the shelling went out immediately. Cher Ami had travelled 25 miles (40 km) in just 25 minutes - and was responsible for the survival of almost 200 soldiers.

This week, my wife and I were informed of the death of a very dear friend - a "chère amie" - of almost forty years. She had been diagnosed, about a year ago, with multiple cancers - and that in spite of the fact that she had never been involved in any drug scene, legal or illegal; led a healthy lifestyle; and had no other significant illnesses. She had worked, with her husband (both of them qualified and experienced nurses) in Papua New Guinea, serving people who suffered from leprosy. They have provided hospitality for many, over the years, including my wife and me. Now, she is no longer with us.

However, she was a disciple of Jesus. During the past year, she has undergone much in the physical realm. Medication and chemotherapy caused different physical problems. Nevertheless, from the time of the diagnosis she had the faith-filled attitude that was able to say: "If I am cured, I will have more time with my husband and family; if I die, I shall see my Saviour sooner." She could have sung, with Jim Reeves, "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passin' through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, and I can't feel at home in this world anymore."

My friend has now reached her true home. I don't know how many people survived various medical conditions because of her tireless work as a nurse. I do know that she is now receiving her reward from the Saviour she longed to see, face-to-face.

As I take part in the Armistice Day Ceremony in the village, tomorrow, I shall think of, and be grateful to, all of those who, in two World Wars, and innumerable other conflicts, suffered and died that we might enjoy the freedom that we do - even if that freedom appears to be being steadily eroded by a political élite who care, primarily, for themselves. I shall also be thinking about my friend and, of course, her now-widowed husband, and the whole family circle.

I shall also be praying for those who, today, do not have the same assurance that my friend had. May all who read this post seek that relationship with the Lord Jesus, that she enjoyed. It will be for your good, and will bring glory to His Name.

7 Nov 2018

Running "posthaste" for the Master.

"End of the world FEARS as THREE Apocalyptic signs come true in MONTHS"

This was the headline a day or two ago! It was fuelled by three events taking place within just a few months, allegedly echoing scriptures about the end of the world. These are: the birth of a red heifer in Israel; the claim that the Dead Sea is now populated by fish and other forms of life (with a reference to Ezekiel 47:8-9 - but no mention that the picture given there depends on water that has flowed from the Temple!); and a snake slithering out from the Western Wall on Oct 31st.

Of course, there is only one relevant Scripture in this context. Referring to the end of the age, Jesus said: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." (Matt.24:36).

However, although we may not know the day and the hour, there are many genuine signs (not just three doubtful ones!) that we are, indeed, in the end times. How do disciples of Jesus react to this? Sadly, it would appear that many who claim to be Christians remain unmoved and complacent in their attitude. This means that, with the exponentially explosion in the population on the one hand, and the lethargy of professed believers on the other, we are losing out on the great task of going and making disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded us. (see. Matt 28:19-20).

In the light of this, someone has made the point that, "We must go posthaste and full throttle if we are to reach this dying generation with God's message of hope and salvation."

"full throttle" most of us will understand. But what about "posthaste"? Well, the word goes back all the way to the time of Henry VIII, king of England. At that time, postmasters were given relays of horses to carry messages for the king to important cities of the realm. Because some couriers were irresponsible, and wasted time in taverns and inns on the way, a drastic law was put into effect demanding that every dispatch rider should "ride for his life"! 

The king's edict meant that anyone caught delaying his messages would be publicly hanged! Often, upon particularly important messages, the figure of a man suspended from a gallows, was drawn. Beneath this was the ominous warning: "Haste, post, haste! Haste for thy life!" A number of men were put to death because of their inefficiency, but the practice was eventually discontinued. However, the old expression remains as a reminder that the utmost speed and urgency is required when the king's business is involved.

Writing to the believers in Corinth, the apostle Paul states that we,who claim His name, are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus (II Cor.5:20). Are we, as His ambassadors running "posthaste" to deliver His message of love and grace to others? "The harvest is plentiful," said Jesus, "but the labourers are few; pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest." (Matt.9:37-38). There is, let us not forget, a compelling GO in the GOspel!

31 Oct 2018

With God's help - you can!

It is probably safe to say that few will have heard of Eric Weisz! Born in Budapest to a Jewish Rabbi and his second wife, he was one of a family of seven (including a half-brother, the son of his father's first wife). The family emigrated to the USA in 1878, and his father served as the Rabbi of the Zion Reform Jewish Congregation, in Appleton, Wisconsin. The family name was changed to the German spelling of Weiss, and Eric became Ehrich. 

However, he is much better known as "The Great Houdini" - escapist par excellence! One of his claims was that he could be locked in any jail cell in the country, and set himself free within minutes! This claim he made good in every city he visited - except one! That day, something went wrong. He entered the cell in his street clothes and, as soon as the heavy, solid-metal, door clanged shut behind him, he removed from his belt a concealed piece of strong, but flexible, metal, and went to work on the lock. Soon, however, he realised that he wasn't getting anywhere. For thirty minutes he worked, without success. Then an hour passed. This was much longer than he usually took, and he began to stress out - but he still was unable to pick that lock!

Finally, after labouring for two hours, and feeling a total failure, he leaned against the door and, to his utter amazement, it swung open. It had never been locked in the first place!

How many times does something look impossible simply because we think that it is? However, many have discovered that, when they have focused their faith on the situation; removed the word "can't" from their vocabulary; and sought the help of Father God; the impossible becomes "do-able"!

When God called Gideon to deliver His people from the Midianites, he replied: "I don't have the right connections." (Judges 6:15). When He called Moses, he replied: "I'm not a gifted speaker." (Ex.4:10). When He called Jeremiah, he replied: "I'm too young." (Jer.1:6). To each one God said: "fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." (Is.41:10).

Of course, if we are to hear these words for ourselves, we must be certain that we are walking in His way, seeking to do His will, and open to His commands. When Paul assured his believing friends in Philippi: "I can do all things in Him Who strengthens me." (4:13), he was not suggesting that he could hold his breath for twenty minutes; run a mile in two minutes; or lift a ten-ton weight with just one hand! He was making the point that anything God told him to do could be done in the strength of the Lord.

So what is God saying to you, today? Perhaps it is simply the call that every disciple hears: "Follow Me"! If you do, you will not be called upon to do so in your own strength. He will be with you, to guide, and encourage, and uphold. You may take Him at His word! Will you do so?!

27 Oct 2018

Where is your treasure?

In my Inbox, this morning, I received a link to a video-clip that asked the question in the heading to this post. It's an important question. Various places are chosen for the protection of what we consider to be valuable - be that cash; jewels; special memorabilia; or important documents . Many people, I believe, have a safety deposit box in the vault of a bank. Some have a secret hiding-place within their own homes. Others may use a false breakfast cereal box, or can of baked beans.

I was reminded of the story of one saint of God - by the way, that does not mean that the gentleman in question had been 'canonised' by one particular denomination, having already died, and having had a sufficient number of miracles attributed to him! Biblically, a 'saint' is simply a disciple of the Lord Jesus - had something far more secure than any of the above, for his treasure! Nearing the time of his mortal death, he asked a visiting friend: "Will you bring me my Strong Box, please? Since I am very rich, I would like to look again at some of my most valuable documents." The visitor hesitated, wondering if the elderly man's mind was wandering. However, the man was quick to respond. "It's bound in leather, lying there on the table." The visitor looked, and saw a leather-bound Bible, which he brought to the old man.

The man leafed through it with much delight, enumerating some of its contents:
First document - my great Gift: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16);
Second document - my present Possession: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." (John 5:24);
Third document - my life insurance: "Jesus said ..., “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." (John 11:25-26);
Fourth document - my accident policy: "We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are 'the called' according to His purpose." (Rom.8:28);
Fifth document - my fire insurance: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire! But according to His promise we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells." (II Peter 3:10-13);
Sixth document - my identification papers: "Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." (I John 3:2).
"Yes," exclaimed the dying man, "all of my treasures are in safe-keeping."

The believer's Bible is, indeed, a "Strong Box", filled with many valuable documents  and other items. There is no danger of it being broken into and anything stolen from it. Promises backed by the Sovereign God "... who never lies ..." (Tit.1:2) are guaranteed. Riches of inestimable worth are locked in this vault of truth. For those who truly believe, what moments of pure delight await when we ponder over its priceless documents! 

Have you taken time, recently, to look at some of the valuables in your own "safe"? 

And, now, the video that set this particular train of thought in motion.

21 Oct 2018

Disappointment - His appointment!

A Christian friend who has been working, as a church planter, in a particular area of France, has been asked by the organisation, with which she has been working, to return to the area in which she had formerly worked. She writes: "This has obviously been difficult for me to digest and I'm still processing and trying to make sense of this "detour" that God has me on."

This is not a unique experience! Sometimes, the disciple of Jesus must not only endure "fiery trials", but also encounter baffling circumstances that may seem to be a hindrance - even although (s)he is earnestly seeking to do God's will.

Some two hundred years ago, Rev. Barnabas Shaw experienced such difficulties. Appointed as a Methodist missionary, he had hoped to serve God in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Suddenly, there was a change of plan and he was directed, instead, to minister in Cape Town. When he arrived there, however, the British Governor, who was hostile to the Gospel, forbade him to preach to the indigenous nomad tribes. Shaw, and his wife Jane, were very disappointed. Like the psalmist, their spirits were overwhelmed with sorrow (see Ps.142:3). They were so desirous of serving the Lord yet, twice in just a few months, their high purposes and plans had been frustrated. With the little money they possessed, they bought  yoke of oxen and a cart, loaded up their goods, and headed towards the interior of the country, to set up a mission outside the Governor's jurisdiction.

On the twenty-seventh day of their journey, they met a company of Khoikhoi (aka Hottentots) - the non-Bantu indigenous nomadic cattle-farmers of South Africa. To their astonishment, they discovered that these peaceful people were trying to make their way to Cape Town. They were, the Shaws were informed, searching for a missionary  who, they had been told, was being sent to teach them "the great Word of God"! That their paths should cross in such dense jungle, has been described, by the American Baptist preacher and writer, A.J.Gordon, in his book The Holy Spirit in Missions as "such a juncture of Providence as has rarely occurred in the history of missions." A.J. Gordon, by the way, also wrote a number of hymns, including the well-known "My Jesus, I Love Thee".

The chief of the Khoikhoi led Barnabas and Jane some two hundred miles farther inland, where the faithful missionaries were able to establish a spiritual outpost for the Lord. Barnabas also taught the Khoikhoi to cultivate the soil, as they had previously never grown any type of crop. Their only source of food was the cattle with which they travelled South, in their constant search for fresh pastures. The disappointments that the Shaws has experienced had really been the over-ruling hand of God directing them into His perfectly appointed way.

When our trust is in Him Who says: "... I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose,’" (Is.46:9-10), then we may be certain that, although He may lead us in what we perceive, at the time, to be a roundabout way, He will always lead us aright.