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27 Oct 2017

Remembered, not celebrated!

Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the passing into UK law of the Abortion Act - that heralded the deaths of almost nine million (9,000,000) human beings in the place in which they should have been most protected: their mothers' wombs. In the space of those fifty years, almost nine million  unborn human lives have been deliberately destroyed, in England, Scotland, and Wales - the vast majority of them for no other reason than being an "inconvenience" to the mother!

I published a four-part series of posts on the subject of abortion in August 2014. If you missed it, or have forgotten what I shared, then you might wish to scroll down to the Blog Archive (right-hand-side); click on 2014; then click on August; then click on the four relevant posts. Alternatively, you may try clicking on this link

and scrolling down to the first of the four posts before reading the others in chronological order.

Of course, fifty years ago, when the UK Parliament debated the Abortion Bill, introduced by David Steel (Liberal) as a private members bill, there were all kinds of assurances given. This was merely to take abortion out of the hands of the infamous "back-street abortionists"; there would have to be agreement between two independent medical practitioners; there would never be "abortion on demand". So much for the assurances of politicians! Of course, in the intervening years we have seen the same kind of situation repeated with "civil partnerships" that would never become "marriages"; with the decriminalisation of homsexuality that would never become the condoning of deviant sexual acts; with "human rights" (that are not, genuinely, human 'rights' at all) that would never infringe on the freedom of others; with no intention of introducing a ban on smacking - that, just months later, becomes the introduction of a Scottish Parliament Bill to do just that. You get the picture?!

Of course, changes have been made to the law over a period of fifty years. And further changes would be made if some people were to have their way! There are efforts made to make abortion legal - right up until the time of birth! Imagine, just before a sound and healthy child is to be delivered, it is murdered in its mother's womb - and that would be legal!

Some of the reasons given for abortion requests are, quite frankly, ludicrous. So many tests are available today, during the pre-natal period. So a child may be murdered because it is the "wrong" gender! That, of course, is still officially illegal; but the recent case brought by Aisling Hubert against two doctors who confessed, and were recorded, to performing abortions on these terms, was taken over by the English Crown Prosecution Service - and dropped "for lack of evidence"! Others discover that their unborn child will have some form of physical disability - and decide that parental love simply doesn't stretch far enough to handle the anticipated "burden" of caring for such a child. Far easier just to have it "dealt with" now! There are even cases of children being aborted because it has been discovered that they will be born with nothing more serious than a "hare lip"!

However, by far the greatest number of abortions (I have read figures as high as 95%) are for personal and social convenience. A female indulges in unprotected sexual intercourse; discovers, a couple of months later, that she is pregnant, and decides that her career/social life/personal selfishness is unwilling to accept the responsibility for this unwanted intrusion to her life. No problem! Just "get rid of it"! The final post in that earlier series mentioned above, deal with some of the common methods of abortion as carried out in the UK. I would love to have every female who seeks such a procedure to be obliged to sit through a full video that explained, graphically, those methods, before being allowed to make a decision on whether, or not, she really wanted to go through with the abortion!

Of course, there will always be those who insist that "It's the woman's body." Wrong! The unborn child is a totally separate, unique, individual that is, for approximately nine months, dependent upon it's mother's body to provide it with protection and nutrition. Of course this dependence continues for a considerable time after the birth! Is infanticide, therefore, fully acceptable?! Others will ask: "What if the female has been raped?" Personally, I consider rape to be a worse crime than murder, as the victim has to live with the memory of the experience for the rest of her (and sometimes, his!) life. However, this is certainly a case in which two wrongs do not make a right! Does having an abortion make the memory and the trauma of the rape disappear? Of course not. It only adds to it - and it makes an unborn child pay the ultimate price for the crime of its biological father!

Today's Scotsman newspaper, in what some may interpret as somewhat cynical timing, reports that the Scottish Government, yesterday, gave women in Scotland the right to take the so-called “abortion pill” at home. So, while Nicola Sturgeon insists that Scotland needs immigrants, she is encouraging the deliberate murder of the indigenous population!

There is, in my opinion, only one valid situation when an abortion may be the lesser of two regretful options, and that is when the life of the mother can be genuinely shown to be at risk. However, that would cover less than 1% of the abortions carried out in Great Britain in any given year!

Abortion! A glaring example of "man's inhumanity to man", and something that saddens the very heart of Almighty God. In a couple of weeks we will be saying "We will remember them" as we think of those who died in two world wars, and in many other conflicts. Let us also remember those who have died before they even had the opportunity to breathe. We certainly cannot 'celebrate'!

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