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3 Oct 2011

Persecution continues, unabated!

Recently, on my Facebook page, I was taken to task (albeit, politely, by a former pupil) for raising the issue of the continuing persecution of disciples of Jesus by some of those who claim to be upholding the religion of Islam.  Unfortunately, I am able to publicise only a small percentage of the cases of persecution that come my way - not all of them, admittedly, the actions of Muslim extremists!

Today, I received the following   
which I recommend to all who visit this blog.  The site (please copy, and paste, the link) provides a number of cases of overt persecution - most of them by Muslims.  Each and all of them may be verified.

Whatever one may say, and however one may seek to "sweeten the pill", it is a simple fact that there are those within Islam whose strongest desire is to see the re-establishment of the "ummah".  This is a world-wide Islamic 'state' in which shariah (Islamic law) alone is practised.  The late al-Quaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, called for Muslims to "establish the righteous caliphate of our ummah."

I have no desire to deliberately offend any moderate Muslim and, indeed, have been friendly with such in the past, and continue to have a good relationship with some at the present time.  However, as the Scottish Bard pointed out in The Dream: "... facts are chiels that winna ding, an' downa be disputed" [= "facts are fellows that will not be overturned, and cannot be disputed"], and the fact is that extreme Islam is the most militant force in the world today - whether against other religious groups, or against secular society.  Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, has stated that it "is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."(Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith; Vartan Gregorian, 2003).

It is surely incumbent upon people of good-will, everywhere, to be alert to such a goal - and to do all that is possible to thwart its realisation.

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