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21 Mar 2009

The One on the white horse.

“From our own correspondent” is a regular Saturday programme on BBC Radio 4 – and one that I enjoy when I am able to listen to it. This morning, the first report was from Mark Mardell, who sent a report from Brussels. The report was largely on the credit crisis that seems to be affecting each of us. However, the comment that really caught my attention was that by the head of the Latvian Employers’ Federation: “We’re looking for someone on a white horse.” Mr Mardell seemed to interpret this as a desire for a “hero” to arrive to show us how to get out of this mess that is, largely, of our own making, and expresses his regret that there are no heroes.

As I listened to those words, however, I had another picture in my mind. Twice in that strange Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we are introduced to a white horse. In chapter 6, verse 2 we read that the apostle John “…looked up and saw a white horse. Its Rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed on His head. He rode out to win many battles and gain the victory.” Again, in the 19th chapter, and in verse 11, John records that he “… saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. And the One sitting on the horse was named Faithful and True. For He judges fairly and then goes to war.”

These, of course, are highly symbolic pictures of the Lord Jesus – the King of kings, and Lord of lords; the One to Whom is given all authority, in heaven and on earth; the One Who is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the One Who is Faithful and True; the One Who judges fairly; the One Who is the Victor, and Conqueror. The wonderful promise of the New Testament is that that same Jesus is coming again.

However, His second Coming will not be like His first. Then, He came as a helpless infant – the Godhead, veiled in human flesh. Next time, He will come as the Mighty Conqueror. Not that He will be welcomed by everyone. Those who have rejected, or neglected, Him will seek to hide from His powerful majesty and glory – although there will be no escape.

The story is told of a young man who was deep in thought as he walked along a busy street. Absent-mindedly, he walked on to the roadway, into the path of an oncoming lorry. Just in time, an elderly gentleman grabbed him, and pulled him out of harm’s way. Some weeks later, the same young man was charged with an offence, and ended up in court. He was found to be guilty but, as the man on the bench began to speak, the young man cried out – “I know you”. “You know me?” came the reply. “Yes. Don’t you remember that day when you pulled me out of the way of a lorry?” “Ah, yes. I do recall that incident”, said the man. “That day, I was your saviour; but today, I am your judge!”

When Jesus returns – whether or not on a literal white horse! – He will certainly deal with all of mankind, and our problems. But He will be coming, not as Saviour but as the One Who will judge. Be prepared for His Coming, by accepting His salvation – today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be marvelous if ALL the people involved in the 'credit crunch' started "looking for someone on a white horse." And especially if the 'someone' was indeed 'Faithful and True' instead of looking to the (un)mighty dollar