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25 Jun 2020

Free at last!

Yes, after a 30-day ban on Facebook, this exile has been allowed to come in from the cold! During such a lengthy spell, I missed being able to send greetings to many who celebrated their birthday anniversaries; I missed being able to congratulate a few friends on wedding anniversaries; I was unable to immediately congratulate on the occasions of a couple of births; and I was unable to send condolences in the cases of a couple of deaths. To all concerned, please accept my apology, and my belated greetings/condolences. 

So, what can I say on this first post in a full month? Well, I could comment on the Old (or First) Testament book of the prophet Amos. It's a book that has provided us with a number of well-known, and memorable, phrases: "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" (3:3). (Facebook certainly doesn't seem to think so!). "Prepare to meet your God." (4:12). (And He is 'your God' whether, or not, you acknowledge Him!). "Let justice run down like water." (5:24). (But there is no apparent sense of justice within the fiefdom of Facebook!).

However, the phrase in the prophecy of Amos that is most often repeated, occurs five times in just one chapter - chapter 4. Time after time, YHWH speaks of all that He has done to discipline His wayward, self-indulgent, people and draw them back to Himself. In every case, He states, the result is the same: "You have not returned to Me." (4: 6, 8-11).

We may read of, and marvel at, the hardness of heart of those contemporary Children of Israel - but surely we must ask if we are any different! If we have sensed that the Lord has been trying to 'get our attention', how have we responded to Him?

Amos, in his prophetic book, shares warnings of judgement; of captivity; of destruction. However, there are also calls for repentance, and promises of restoration. "Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; so YHWH Elohim Sabaoth will be with you." (5:14). The book has many memorable phrases - but we should never forget the invitation of Father God to all who have wandered away from Him: "Return to Me". 

Facebook sends those with whose perspectives it disagrees, into "exile". Jesus, the Christ, issues the invitation: "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden , and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matt 11:28-30). 

Turn, or return. Just ensure that you are in the right relationship with Almighty God, through faith in the Lord Jesus, and be filled with new life in God the Holy Spirit. You will never regret it if you do!

23 Jun 2020

Is the Church a puzzle?

One of the ways in which my wife has occupied herself during the Covid-19 restrictions, is by completing jigsaw puzzles! Actually, what she does is a lot more difficult than that. She is into "Wasgij"s! These are jigsaws - but the picture on the box is not the picture of the finished article. One has to work out what is happening in the 'box picture' and how it will work out. The result is the picture that is to be built up from the 1,000 pieces. 

Of course, as every jigsaw aficionado is aware, there is only one place in any puzzle for each piece. The piece that is designed for the top-right-hand corner simply won't fit in the bottom-left-hand corner! That, I would suggest, is a wee bit like the Church as the Body of the Lord Jesus, the Christ.

Writing to the disciples of Jesus in Corinth, Paul stated: "For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, 'Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,' that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, 'Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,' that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye , where would be the hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the organs in the body, each one of them, as He chose. If all were a single organ, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of you,' nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'" ( I Cor 12:14-21). 

It's worth noting that every believer has a ministry! It's not just the pastor; the elders; the youth and children's ministry leaders; etc. It's you, and me. Someone has worked out that less than 10% of those who claim to be disciples of Jesus are involved in any form of Christian service! I'm all for tithing - but that is very sad. Most seem to go to a worship service for what they can get out of it (usually, as a result of that attitude, not very much!). Service in the Body of the Christ is not optional. As the son of William Booth - founder of the Salvation Army - stated to his father concerning a friend and himself:  "We are not volunteers. We are soldiers in the Lord's army". That comment gave the name to the S.A.

We should also note that every ministry is important. This is one of the difficulties that the Church seems to face. People want to be 'in the limelight'. So, I am happy to be the preacher; or the leading elder. I have no problem with being the director of the music for the worship service; or of being one of the music group instrumentalists. Ask me to chair an important committee, or to organise a specific, and high-profile, event, and I am in my element. But making the coffee; cleaning the building; greeting people at the door. Well, those activities don't sound particularly exciting, or important! Yet there are no 'insignificant' ministries. And note that Paul states that it is Father God, Himself, Who "arranged the organs in the body, each one of them, as He chose."

A final point that should be emphasised is that we are dependant on one another! There is no individual ministry that is capable of accomplishing all that the Church has been called to do. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each and every piece is required to be in its correct place in order to complete the picture. If a piece is missing altogether, of course, that is a real tragedy - the picture will never be completed! 

Read, again, those words of Paul shared above. When one part of our body malfunctions, the whole body may suffer as the other parts are unable to work together as they were designed to do. We need one another, because we have been called to work with one another. "Bear one another's burdens," writes Paul to the Galatian believers, "and so fulfil the law of Christ." (Gal 6:2).

That is not to say that we should hanker after another's gifting. Our ministry is decided by the Father - and that is the ministry in which He will use us! In any other place, we are just 'square pegs in round holes'! That is a waste of time and effort, and produces poor results.

So, be the piece of the jigsaw that you are meant to be. That will bring blessing to you, and to the fellowship of which you are a part; and will gladden the Father-heart of God. 

17 Jun 2020


As I am currently banned from posting on Facebook, I share this video here. The speaker is Glen Scrivener, an Australian who works in the UK as Director of "Speak Life", an evangelistic charity involved in proclamation evangelism, training of leaders, equipping churches to witness and producing evangelistic resources.

Please feel free to share!

14 Jun 2020

Heaven - will we know one another?

As one who believes, firmly, that there is a heaven, and a hell, I find it interesting that so many, who make no claim to being disciples of Jesus, or even to being "religious", have their own concept of the former (and seem to ignore the latter!). The reason for this may be very basic - it is "in our DNA"! The writer of the Book of Ecclesiastes said: "... He [i.e. Almighty God] has put eternity into man's mind, ..." (Eccl 3:11), and we are unable to fully delete the concept from our being.

I think of this a lot when I see people wishing loved ones who have died - often many years ago - a "Happy Heavenly birthday" on the anniversary of that person's date of birth. This is done, in Facebook, with increasing regularity - and with no thought that the person may not even be "in heaven"!

The written Word of God teaches, very clearly, that only those who are in a right relationship with Almighty God will spend eternity in His presence. For those of us who have lived at any time during the past almost 2,000 years, that means having accepted the Lord Jesus - God in human flesh - as our Saviour; accepting that we are sinners who cannot save ourselves; repenting of our sins; and depending, entirely, on His atoning* sacrifice at Calvary.

The Bible also teaches that "... in the resurrection they [those who have died and been raised to eternal life] neither marry nor are given in marriage , but are like angels in heaven." (Matt 22:30). So I was more than a little surprised to read a Facebook post (I am currently banned from posting, etc., but may still read!) from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that read:

"On June 14, 2007, Ruth Graham passed away at her home in North Carolina—surrounded by her husband and 5 children.
“I am so grateful to the Lord that He gave me Ruth, and especially for these last few years we’ve had in the mountains together,” said Billy Graham. “We’ve rekindled the romance of our youth, and my love for her continued to grow deeper every day. I will miss her terribly, and look forward even more to the day I can join her in Heaven.”
We rejoice that now, Mr. and Mrs. Graham have been reunited in their heavenly home."

I can find nothing in the New Testament to support such a view. Indeed, I am not at all certain that I will even know other people in heaven. Those words of the Lord Jesus would certainly indicate that married couples will not be "reunited" - read the quotation in context!   

The only thing of which I can be, and am, certain is that I will be in the Lord's presence - probably not in "heaven" but on the "new earth" (see II Pet.3:13; Rev.21:1). And, just as He walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, before the fall, He will walk with His people there. "Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them;" (Rev 21:3). All things will be made new (Rev 21:5) - and that must surely include our bodies; our minds; our natures; and our memories.

The only question is: "Will you be there?" If you are unable to answer that question in the affirmative, then please ask for help from a genuine disciple of Jesus. If you are unable to identify one, then you may contact me using the e-mail address above. There are also some links at the right-hand side of the page, towards the bottom, that may be of help. Whatever you do, don't let it be 'nothing'. Your eternal destiny is at stake!

* If you don't understand this word, then why don't you purchase my first book: "Great Words of the Faith". It explains, in everyday language, this and many other words. ALL royalties are paid, directly, to release International in support of the persecuted church. Link at the top of the blog.

11 Jun 2020

George Floyd - martyr for the cause, or murdered criminal?

Although I confess that I am sometimes guilty of this, myself, I am unhappy with so-called "knee-jerk reactions". That is why I have waited before making any comment on the recent death of George Floyd, that has sparked riots all around the world. The initial reports merely informed me that a black American had been killed when a white policeman kept his knee on the black man's neck, ignoring pleas from the onlookers, and even from the man himself. Of course, my reaction was one of anger, and I am glad that the police officer involved has been formally charged with second-degree murder, and that his colleagues have been dismissed from the Force. No man deserves to die in such a manner. No family should have to live with the knowledge that one of them was killed in such a way.

However, at the beginning, little information was given about the 'victim' other than his skin colour and his name. It has taken time for additional information to surface. That information paints a somewhat different picture from that offered by the MSM in the immediate aftermath of the video-recording of George Floyd's death going viral.

So who was George Floyd? Was he really just the man, described by one of his children, six-year-old Gianna Floyd, on the programme Good Morning America on Tuesday, as a fun man who often played with her. Is this man summed up in the words of Gianna's mother, Roxie Washington, said on Good Morning America on Monday: “He would put her on his shoulders."? 

It would appear not! Apparently, he was, at the time of his arrest, under the influence of proscribed drugs, and was also carrying drugs. The arrest took place because he had been accused of attempting to pass off a counterfeit dollar bill ($20). He had been, throughout his adult life, a regular guest of the American prison service. On one occasion, he was part of a gang that broke into the home of a black pregnant woman, in order to steal cash and whatever else they could find. It was George Floyd who stuck a gun against the stomach of this obviously pregnant woman causing her to plead for her life. That, I suspect, was a traumatic incident that she will never forget! This does not, to me, sound like a fun-loving father! It would also appear that he had other children, not all by the same woman, in different parts of the USA!

Does all of that last paragraph justify his death in the manner in which it was caused? Of course not. However, I would suggest that it does diminish the cause of those who have used his death to riot in major cities around the world. It does call into question the "martyr" identity that he has been given by so many. 

And the riots! The MSM have not been as quick to publicise the deaths of others during those riots - including a 77-year-old retired black police chief - murdered by a black person as he attempted to guard a store that was being vandalised. George Floyd's death does not justify the thuggery, and the theft, that has gone on during those riots. It does not justify the destruction of property in mob violence. 

Sadly, I believe that all of this - what may be described as the "breakdown of society" - is one of the many indications that we are in what the written Word of God describes as "the last days". Paul, writing to his young '"son in the faith", pastor Timothy, states: "... understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it." (II Tim 3:1-5). And he gives the sound advice: "Avoid such people." (v.5).

What should be the Christian response to the current events? I fear that that depends on who is asked! There are those who appear all too ready to jump on the current BLM (Black Lives Matter - of course they do, as do all lives!) bandwagon, and to make some kind of political statement that may, or may not, be based on a Biblical text. However, permit me to suggest the following: 

1. We should "weep with those who weep" (Rom.12:15)

Whatever his background; whatever his crimes; whatever he ever said or did; George Floyd was loved by others - family, and friends. That was obvious by the numbers who attended his funeral service. I recently quoted Anglican clergyman, John Donne. Here is the whole of that poem:

"No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee." (emphasis added).

As a disciple of Jesus, I mourn the death of George Forbes also because it would appear, on the evidence available, that he has gone to a lost eternity.

2. We should listen to those who suffer.

Every day I pray for my brothers and sisters, in the Lord Jesus, who suffer for their faith - many of them in ways that are, quite frankly, beyond my imagination. But they are not alone in their suffering. There are many who suffer, through no fault of their own, but who are ignored by the vast majority. When I was last in Scotland, I spent a few hours on a Friday evening, in the centre of Glasgow, working alongside a group who seek to bring both practical help, and the message of the Gospel, to those in the city who are homeless. Listening to some of the stories (vouched for by others!), made me realise afresh just how blessed I and my loved ones are. I have outlined, above, a little of George Forbes' adult life. But what kind of childhood did he have? Perhaps if there had been someone to listen to, and wisely advise, "child George" the adult would have turned out completely differently!

3. We should be ready to share the Gospel message.

The George Floyd issue aside, there have been many who have pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic has made an increasing number of people more aware of their own mortality - and that many who would not have even considered, six months ago, entering a church building, are now tuning in to 'online worship' as restrictions against church gatherings continue (although it is okay to gather in an unruly mob, totally ignoring "social distancing"! It is also okay for journalists to do so in order to harass public employees!). This should provide us with fresh opportunities, at a personal level, to "... be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence;" (I Peter 3:15).  Finally, 

4. We should pray with increasing fervour.

There has been much, in recent days, about "bending the knee" as a way of showing solidarity with those whom we class as the oppressed! What we need is for more people to "bend the knee" before the Creator, seeking His infinite wisdom; crying out for His intervention; asking Him for His instructions.

"The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects." writes James (James 5:16). But who is righteous (i.e. in a right standing with Almighty God)? Paul, quoting from the Book of Psalms, writes: "None is righteous, no, not one;" (Rom 3:10) - which makes James' words sound rather hollow! However, although I have no righteousness of my own to claim, as a disciple of Jesus, I may claim His! So I may pray, with confidence, assured that Father God hears my prayer, and that He will answer - even although that answer may not be the one I wanted!

May the Lord's will be done, in these days as we await the return of the Lord Jesus. He alone is our Certainty in uncertain times.

5 Jun 2020

The handshake

I wonder what you miss most during the restrictions imposed, or recommended, because of the Covid-19 pandemic? For some, it may be the lack of personal contact with family and friends. For others, it may be the holiday that they had expected to be enjoying just now while, instead they are 'stuck' in "Hame'lldaeme" (although millions would be thrilled to even have a home!). Yet others will be missing their job, and the camaraderie that they normally enjoy with colleagues. 

As a very tactile person, I confess to missing hugs and handshakes. Perhaps, surprisingly, the handshakes more than the hugs! That is because a handshake can tell a lot about a person. It is a most revealing custom. There is, of course, the "dutiful" handshake. That's the one that is required by virtue of one's position in society, or in the Board-room, or some similar situation. It's really just a brief touce - impersonal and meaningless.

Then there is the polar opposite. That's the hearty, no-nonsense handshake of the person who is a wee bit OTT! Perhaps the person is a professional wrestler, or weight-lifter. Their grip is vice-like. What they seem not to consider is that the person whose hand they are cheerfully crushing may suffer from a condition such as rheumatism!

One of my favourite unfavourites is what I refer to as the 'cold fish' (or 'wet dishcloth') handshake. You know the one! It's like having one's hand wrapped in a fillet of cod, just out of the chill-room, or a dishcloth just out of the basin! I recall, during my time as a Probationer, and later Ordained, Assistant minister in a parish church in Edinburgh. The local parish priest, Father Laurence, was a great guy, and we got on amazingly well together. We then had a student from New College sent to us on a placement. He had a 'cold fish' handshake! I did suggest to my 'boss' that we contact the Vatican and offer a swop. We would take Father Laurence, and they could have that particular student!

Then there is the icy, stiff, handshake that leaves one with the impression that Jack Frost (no, not the TV Detective Inspector played by David Jason!) reigns in the heart of the person who gives it. There is also the handshake that lingers, and makes one feel that the other person is actually taking liberties!

The best handshake is the one that gives one a warm glow, as it comes from a sincere and friendly heart. It's the one that has been described as having sunbeams in it!

Of course, hands may be used for all sorts of purposes other than being shaken as a greeting. The Bible certainly has a multitude of examples of the use of hands - both our hands and, speaking anthropomorphically, the hands of God. In Dr Luke's record of the Good News about Jesus, and in the 23rd chapter we read of the crucifixion of the Saviour. In v.46, we have the final words spoken by the sinless, spotless, Lamb of God: "Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, "Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit!" And having said this He breathed His last." The Son thus showed His dependence on the Father for His forthcoming resurrection, and the re-union of spirit and body. He had confidence that the body which was shortly to be laid in a tomb, would not see corruption, but that the Father would raise Him on the third day.

You and I may not be facing the excruciating pain, and the horror, of crucifixion. However, although many of the Covid-19 restrictions are being relaxed in certain areas, we continue to live with some uncertainty. We can do no better than to place our lives in the hands of Father God.

He remains our Certainty in uncertain times.