Important Information.

STOP PRESS: The third book in my series - "Defending the Faith" - is now available, as a paperback, at
Please note that ALL royalties, on all three books, now go directly to Release International in support of the persecuted church. E-book now also available at

My second book - Foundations of the Faith - is available as a Kindle e-book at
Paperback available at:

The first volume - Great Words of the Faith - is available at
Paperback available at:

If you haven't got a Kindle, there is a FREE app at

ALL royalties now go to support the persecuted church.

I may be contacted, personally, at

For those who are bi-lingual, I now have a second blog, in the French language, that publishes twice-monthly. Go to:

6 Oct 2024

An open door.

It's probably less common than it ought to be - and I have only experienced one such situation in all of my adult working life! - but, sometimes, a boss will make clear to his/her employees that, "My door is always open."

Now we know that that those words are not to be taken literally! There will be many times when the boss needs a certain amount of privacy because, for example, (s)he is working on sensitive information, or because an employee is being disciplined. We know that what the boss is really saying is "I am always available to you. I will listen to you.I will do what I can to alleviate any difficult situation." And the vast majority of employees will be grateful to have such an employer.

Have you ever noticed that, according to the Gospel records, the Lord Jesus was never asked, by the disciples, for a master-class in miracles; or a presentation on preaching; or a homily on healing? Indeed, there was only one such request made of Him: "He was praying in a certain place, and when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”" (Luke 11:1; emphasis added).

Prayer! What an important practise for the disciple of Jesus! But what is it? Well it is, obviously, speaking - but it is speaking to Father God, in the Name of the Son (Jesus, the Christ), under the prompting of God the Holy Spirit. However, if it is, as some sceptics might suggest, merely "talking to the ceiling", then it would certainly be a waste of time and effort. But is this truly the case?

John records, in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ: And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the Holy One, the True One, Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one opens. “‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut; (Rev.3:7-8; emphasis added).

Now those highlighted words are generally taken as referring to opportunities to minister and evangelise for the Philadelphian fellowship. However, I believe that we may also take them as a more general reference to prayer. How many, in the persecuted church, know this truth. They may be denied a Bible, or even a few portions of the Scriptures; they may be physically isolated from their brothers and sisters in Jesus; they may be denied food, water, even sleep; but no-one can stop them from praying! No mortal is capable of shutting that open door!

When I come to the Father, through Jesus the Son, I know that I have an open door that no man can shut. And, unlike any earthly boss, I may take those words literally. It doesn't matter where I am. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. It doesn't matter if I am going to throw up a quick "arrow prayer", or whether I am going into a period of deep intercession. Always, His door is open.

And He always answers. Yes - always! I have often heard people claim that "I prayed, and God didn't answer!" I have also heard some say, joyfully that "God answered my/our prayer!" - the implication being that, on other occasions, He had failed to do so!

The truth is that we often think that our prayers have been answered only when we receive that for which we had prayed. However, no loving father responds positively to every request made. I am a father, and would not have done so with my children. Why not? Simply because of my greater knowledge, and experience, of life!

Father God is the one "from Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named," (Eph.3:15), and He is infinitely more knowledgeable than any of His children. More than that, He can do what no earthly father can do - He sees all of time at once and so, He knows the future every bit as well as He does the past. And so, He sometimes answers our prayers with "No! I know that that is not for you." Other times, He answers with "Wait! This is not the right time." But always, He answers, as He brings about His perfect will and purpose.

And always, but always, His door is open to those who come to Him, not claiming anything of their own, but only the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus at Calvary. Let us pray!

29 Sept 2024

Foundations of the Faith

It's another 5-Sunday month and, with no elections on the horizon, we revert to using this Sunday to promote one of my own published books. Remember, this is not done to line my own pockets, as ALL (not the 30% shown on the original front cover! I couldn't manage to paste the new cover here!) royalties are sent, directly, by Amazon to Release International, in support of the persecuted church in more than 50 countries worldwide.

This time, I wish to share with you, my second volume - Foundations of the Faith.

As with its predecessor, this book is written with ordinary people in mind. It started as a course of lessons for 15-year-olds in a Scottish Secondary School, and was adapted, and enhanced, for publication. In it, I take the well-known Apostles' Creed, clause by clause, and seek to make it more understandable. I have sought to deal with every aspect of the Creed, and have not shirked some of the difficult aspects. Because God the Holy Spirit is dealt with, in the Creed, with just the words: "I believe in the Holy Ghost", I have added appendices on His Fruit, His Gifts, and His Work.

These excerpts from the endorsements of others will, I hope, encourage you to purchase a copy for yourself. As with the other volumes, this book is available as both a paperback and a Kindle e-book. Links are available at the top of the blog.

Following up his “Great Words of the Faith”, this is a timely piece of very accessible writing from a respected and experienced writer, teacher and  preacher. …  It is accessible, scholarly, personal, and full of scripture reference. The difficult issues are not skirted but the fundamental truth of the Godhead is allowed to shine through.                                                            

                                                                                        Dr. Ken Cunningham, CBE, FRSA


"Foundations of the Faith" should help all of those seeking to follow the Way of the Christ to do so more faithfully, and in an informed manner.

Rev. Derek Hughes, B.Sc., B.D., Dip.Ed.

Brian articulates what he believes with freshness and clarity. It is clear that for him as for Berdyaev, the distinguished Russian thinker, Jesus is the starting point for learning Who God is, who we are, and what life is all about.

Very Rev. Dr. James A. Simpson

Of course, as we draw closer to the celebration (albeit at the wrong time of the year!) of the birth of the Messiah - the Lord Jesus - when we may wish to give gifts to family members and to friends, why not consider buying a copy for someone else?!