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24 May 2009

More about choices!

So, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland – the highest court in the denomination – has spoken. Last night, the fathers and brethren decided, by 326 votes to 267 votes, to confirm the call to the parish and congregation of Aberdeen: Queen’s Cross, of a homosexual minister who is living, openly, with his male partner.

To many, me included, this flies in the face of clear Scriptural teaching that homosexual activity is totally wrong. Much has been made of the fact that the same Old Testament book that prohibits homosexual activity also enjoins the stoning of adulterers and other such punishments. However, when we turn to the fuller revelation of Almighty God, in the pages of the New Testament, we discover that while these penalties are no longer required, homosexual activity still comes under condemnation.

The minister at the centre of this unhappy controversy, Mr Scott Rennie, has also stated, in a T.V. programme, that no-one makes the choice to be heterosexual – implying that he ought not to be held responsible for his own life-style. However, my understanding is that the “homosexual gene” is as fictitious as the evolutionists’ “missing link”. Life, as far as I can make out, is full of choices. I reckon that I am capable of committing murder – but, so far, I have managed to choose not to do so. I have also chosen not to be a bank robber; a mugger; a rapist. And, of course, if I were to commit any such action, I doubt that pleading a “murderous gene”, or whatever, would be considered to be an acceptable defence!

Mr Rennie is also reported as having said that he is “unrepentant”, and this is the crux of the matter for many. The church, as I was preaching earlier today to a local parish congregation, is inclusive in the sense that the doors of the building are open to all. However, it is also exclusive, in the sense that only those who have made a conscious decision to be disciples of the Lord Jesus, and who have come, in repentance and faith to Him for their eternal salvation, are truly members of the church as the body and bride of Christ.

What happens next? Well, that is the big question! Among the 12,000+ who signed the online appeal to the Assembly, “… to support the position of those who stood to defend Christian orthodoxy in Aberdeen Presbytery, and ensure instead that the Church will apply and assert in practice its clear doctrinal position on all matters of marriage and human sexuality, by refusing to condone homosexual practice in general, and among its leaders in particular.” were 272 serving parish ministers (some 28% of all serving ministers) plus about 150 retired ministers , associate ministers, and chaplains. Over 1200 Kirk elders, and 33 whole Kirk Sessions (the ruling body in a local congregation) also supported the appeal. Full details, and a copy of the complete statement/appeal may be seen at

In 1843, there was a similar situation in the Church of Scotland, when some 450 ministers, under the leadership of Dr.Thomas Chalmers, and accompanied by the Moderator, Dr. Welsh, walked out of the General Assembly. This led to the formation of the Free Church of Scotland – with Dr Chalmers as Moderator of its first General Assembly – many of whose congregations exist today. I suspect that there are many, this evening, who are deeply in prayer as to what, if any, move they must now make. However, I take comfort in the Sovereignty of Almighty God, and the assurance that “… God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” (Rom.8:28)

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